Biography of Rabindranath Tagore in English

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Here I’m sharing with you guys the Biography of Rabindranath Tagore, a great Nobel Prize winner Poet of India. If you like the information About the Biography of Rabindranath Tagore provided here then please share this post with your friends as well. 

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Rabindranath Tagore in English
Date of Birth 7 May, 1861
Place of Birth Calcutta 
Father’s Name Debendranath Tagore 
Mother’s Name Sarada Devi 
Education Presidency University 
Death7 August, 1941


Biography of Rabindranath Tagore: Rabindranath Tagore, also known as the ” Bard of Bengal” or simply” Tagore,” was a multi-talented Indian polymath who left an unforgettable mark on literature, music, art, and social reform. He was born on May 7, 1861, in Calcutta, which was also part of British India. His life and work gauged a period of immense artistic and political change in India, and his benefactions continue to reverberate encyclopedically. 

Early Life and Education: 

Rabindranath Tagore was born into a Bengali family. His father, Debendranath Tagore, was a champion and religious leftist, and his mama , Sarada Devi, was a devout woman who played a significant part in shaping Tagore’s early life. The Tagore family had a tradition of artistic and intellectual hobbies, which greatly influenced Rabindranath’s parenting. 

Tagore’s education began at home, where he was exposed to a wide range of subjects, including literature, music, and gospel. He was a unseasonable child, and by the age of eight, he’d formerly started writing runes. At the age of sixteen, he travelled to England for further education, where he studied law at University College London but didn’t complete the degree. 

Literary Career Upon returning to India:

Tagore began his erudite career in humorlessness. His first collection of runes,” Kabuliwala O Balaka”(The Cabuliwallah and the Child), was published in 1883. still, it was his collection of runes named” Gitanjali”(Song Offerings) that pelted him to transnational fame. ” Gitanjali” was published in 1910 and entered wide sun for its lyrical and spiritual depth. The book was restated into several languages and caught the attention of notable erudite numbers in Europe, including W.B. Yeats. In 1913, Tagore came the first Asian to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for” Gitanjali,” making him a global erudite icon. Tagore’s erudite affair was immense and different. He wrote poetry, short stories, novels, plays, and essays. His workshop frequently explored themes of love, nature, church, and the mortal condition. Some of his other notable workshop include” The Home and the World”( Ghare- Baire),” The Post Office”(Dak Ghar), and” Fruit- Gathering”(Phalguni). 

Music and Art:

In addition to his erudite hobbies, Tagore was a fine musician of songs and a talented painter. He composed over 2,000 songs, known as” Rabindra Sangeet,” which are an integral part of Indian classical music. His songs celebrate the beauty of nature, love, and church and are still extensively popular in India and Bangladesh. Tagore’s benefactions to music earned him the surname” Bard of Bengal.” Tagore was also an accomplished painter, and his artworks reflected his deep connection with nature and his philosophical outlook. His oils, which frequently featured geographies and pictures, are considered precious pieces of Indian art. 

Educational Reforms and Santiniketan: 

Rabindranath Tagore wasn’t only an erudite and cultural genius but also a visionary when it came to education and social reform. In 1901, he innovated a unique educational institution called” Santiniketan” in the pastoral city of Bolpur, West Bengal. Santiniketan aimed to break away from traditional rote literacy and embrace a holistic and creative approach to education. At Santiniketan, Tagore’s educational gospel emphasised close commerce between scholars and preceptors, a deep connection with nature, and a focus on art and culture. It came an transnational centre for education and attracted scholars and scholars from all over the world. In 1921, it was expanded into Visva- Bharati University, which continues to promote Tagore’s educational ideals. 

Social and Political Engagement: 

Rabindranath Tagore wasn’t just an erudite and cultural figure; he was also deeply engaged in the social and political issues of his time. He was an oral critic of British social rule in India and used his jottings and speeches to advocate for India’s independence. His strong nationalist beliefs were reflected in workshop like” Ghare- Baire,” which explored the Swadeshi Movement and the clash between tradition and fustiness. Tagore was also a loyal advocate for social reform, particularly in the areas of education and women’s rights. He believed in the commission of women and challenged the prevailing societal morals of his period. He laboriously promoted gender equivalency and women’s education. 

Heritage and Global Impact: 

Rabindranath Tagore’s influence extended far beyond the realms of literature and art. His gospel of universalism, which emphasised the interconnectedness of all mortal beings and the significance of artistic exchange, made him a global minister of peace and understanding. Tagore’s jottings, particularly his poetry, continue to be studied and respected worldwide. His Nobel Prize in Literature elevated the status of Indian literature on the global stage and inspired posterior generations of pens. In 1941, at the age of 80, Tagore passed away, leaving behind a heritage that continues to shape the artistic, cultural, and educational geography of India and the world. His benefactions to literature, music, art, and social reform are celebrated annually on his birthday, May 7th, as” Rabindra Jayanti.” 


Rabindranath Tagore was a Renaissance man whose creative genius transcended boundaries and amended the artistic heritage of humanity. He was a minstrel, champion, musician, artist, and preceptor who believed in the power of literature and art to foster understanding and concinnity among people. Tagore’s heritage endures through his dateless workshop and the continuing impact of his educational and social reforms, making him an enduring symbol of India’s artistic and intellectual heritage.

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Q.1. Who was Rabindranath Tagore?

Ans. Rabindranath Tagore was a renowned Indian poet, philosopher, musician, artist, and writer who made significant contributions to literature and culture. He was the first Asian to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913.

Q.2. When and where was Rabindranath Tagore born?

Ans. Rabindranath Tagore was born on May 7, 1861, in Calcutta, which was then part of British India.

Q.3. What is Rabindranath Tagore’s most famous work?

Ans. Tagore’s most famous work is the collection of poems titled “Gitanjali” (Song Offerings), for which he received the Nobel Prize. It includes spiritually rich poems.

Q.4. What is “Rabindra Sangeet”?

Ans. “Rabindra Sangeet” refers to the songs composed by Rabindranath Tagore. These songs cover a wide range of themes, including love, nature, and spirituality.

Q.5. How many poems did Tagore write?

Ans. Tagore wrote thousands of poems during his lifetime, exploring various themes and emotions.

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