Class 12 Alternative English Chapter 10 The Lake isle of Innisfree

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Class 12 Alternative English Chapter 10 The Lake isle of Innisfree

Today’s We have Shared in This Post Class 12 Alternative English Chapter 10 The Lake isle of Innisfree Notes PDF with you. Class 12 Alternative English Solutions I Hope, you Liked The information About The Class 12 Alternative English Question Answer. If you liked Class 12 Alternative English Notes Then Please Do Share this Post With your Friends as Well.

The Lake isle of Innisfree



A. Answer in One or Two Words.

1. Where does the poet want to go?

Ans. The poet wants to go to a small island in Ireland called Innisfree. It is a very small, uninhabited island that sits in Lough Gill, a lake in Yeats’s home county of Sligo, Ireland. 

2. What will he build there?

Ans. There he will build a small room for himself with clay and small sticks that he will use to make walls and fences of the cabin.

3. With what will he build it?

Ans. He will build the house with clay and wood.

4. What will the poet plant there?

Ans. The poet wants to go to Innisfree and build a house there. He wants to grow nine rows of beans there and have a hive for honeybee. He wishes to enjoy peaceful moments at Innisfree.

5. How, according to the poet, will peace arrive in Innisfree?

Ans. The poet will experience ‘peace’ in the lap of nature at the Lake Isle of Innisfree. He will observe the beautiful trees, insects, birds, and bushes. The calm and cool atmosphere of the forest will give happiness to him. He describes peace as “dropping slow,” “from the veils of…morning to…the cricket[s].” He also describes how he would feel peaceful and relates peace to morning dew. In the glade, he will be surrounded by it, from the leaves on the trees to the grass on the ground, “where the cricket sings.” When it is cloudy in the morning and the view of the sky is not very clear, then it will appear as if the morning has worn a veil and has hidden. Moreover, looking at this scene makes him feel peaceful. Thus, the speaker longs to build a simple life on Innisfree, finding peace through communion with nature.

B. Answer in a Few Words.

1. Where is Innisfree located?

Ans. Lake Isle of Innisfree is an uninhabited island within Lough Gill, located in his home county of Sligo, Ireland, near which Yeats spent his summers as a child. 

2. What is the significance of the ‘bee-loud glade’?

Ans. The phrase ‘bee-loud glade’ means the loud buzzing of wild bees in the open nature. Through the phrase, the poet describes the poet’s imagined home on the lake isle, where he always heard the bees surrounding the hive he always dreamt of planting. The poem elaborates this poignant moment of recognition and yearning. This image also shows the speaker interest to adopt pastoral life in a lakeside cabin constructed of clay and wattles; in exchange of the ‘pavements grey’ of the city. This realization further makes him determined to go to Innisfree where he can live alone in peace and calmness.

3. What does the speaker mean by ‘peace comes dropping slow’?

Ans. In the poem “The Lake Isle of Innisfree”, the poet says that “peace comes dropping slow” which means nature is patient and slow unlike the city life which is full of hurry. For him, in nature, everything is calm, peaceful and slow. For him, the lake isle of Innisfree stands for pure natural beauty, pleasure and peace; that stands as a startling contrast to the hectic and artificial life in a city. The forest of Innisfree seems to be a symbol of happiness and mystery that makes him long for live a simple life; where he can find peace through communion with nature.

4. How does the poem create a sense of nostalgia using imagery?

Ans. The poem is the speaker’s recollection of his previous journey to Innisfree, and how he wants to escape from his current busy life to achieve a sense of emotional and spiritual rejuvenation. Here, Innisfree is presented as a symbol for the speaker’s passed youth, which the speaker is unable to return to in the “real,” or physical, world. however, emotionally he is been able to do so as he is frequented with vivid memories of sights and sounds seem to have left an indelible impression on his mind. He beautifully portrays the vast, open stretch of land with a very tranquil environment prevailing from morning till evening; and how the place glows at midnight with the glimmering of the moon and the stars. The calm, quiet, soothing environment of this Isle impressed him so much that he developed a spiritual kinship with this place. He can now hear voices calling within himself just as he heard the sounds of nature in Innisfree. The existence of Innisfree as the poet’s state of mind is as true as the real Innisfree.

The images of this place haunt the poet in such a manner that he can visualize everything not in his mind but in his heart. The real place has given him such beautiful memories that he cherishes them even when he is amidst the roadways and pavements of a city. His desire to escape to Innisfree is so strong that his thoughts are overpowered by it. Through the poem, Yeats experienced the urge to return to a simpler, more familiar life as a kind of homesickness which expressed itself as a desire to “return” to Innisfree.

Chapter 1A Cup of Tea
Chapter 2The voyage
Chapter 3The Verger
Chapter 4The Martyr’s Corner
Chapter 5Bina Kutir
Chapter 6Ozymandius Of Egypt
Chapter 7Because I Could Not Stop For Death
Chapter 8Strange Meeting
Chapter 9The Solitude Of Alexander Selkirk
Chapter 10The Lake Isle Of Innisfree
Chapter 11Night Of The Scorpion

C. Answer These Questions Briefly.

1. What does the poet mean by ‘arise and go’?

Ans. By the phrase “arise and go”, the poet wanted to reinstate his desire to travel to Innisfree and get away from the chaotic life of London. The Irish Lake Isle of Innisfree stands for pure natural beauty, pleasure and peace. It provides a stark contrast to the hectic and artificial life in a city. As such, the speaker expresses a deep, persistent desire to get up and leave the city. At Innisfree he knows that he can enjoy the beauty and peacefulness of nature. Expressing this desire in the poem, the speaker uttered the phrase, “I will arise and go now”. This line expresses his eagerness to escape from the city life and go to the peaceful and blissful environment of Innisfree.

2. Where does the poet stand when he hears ‘the deep heart’s core’?

Ans. The poet is standing on the roadway or on the pavements of grey colour, far away from Innisfree. This colour. epitomises decay which is used as a contrast to the vibrant greenery and colour of the floral beauty of Innisfree. However, standing even there, he can hear the sounds of the lake water lapping by the shore. Thus, standing on the roadways and pavements of an urban center, he hears “In the deep heart’s core”, the sounds of Nature that fill the air at Innisfree. In his memory and imagination, the speaker hears the quiet lapping of small waves along the lakeshore that are a constant sound there. the speaker “hears” in his deep heart’s core is the sound of the lake water lapping against the shores of the lake isle of Innisfree.Following this, the poet feels the urgent need to go to the lake isle of Innisfree. 

3. Which times of the day are referred to and why?

Ans. In the poem, “The Lake Isle of Innisfree”, the poet refers to the span of time from morning to evening. Also, midnight and noon on the island are visualized by the poet to be very bright with only different hues of brilliance as the twinkling light of the moon and the stars in midnight and the bright purple shine in the noon. The poet describes morning in a glimmer, noon in a purple glow, and evening full of Linnet’s wings.

4. Name the different creatures mentioned in the poem. 

Ans. There are many creatures mentioned in the poem “The Lake of Innisfree” like honey bees, crickets and the linnets. These creatures in unison create a beautiful scenery and the poet imagines to be enjoying it.

D. Answer in Detail.

1. What is the significance of the Lake Isle of Innisfree to the speaker?

Ans. The poem’s speaker fantasizes about building a solitary, peaceful life on Innisfree, an uninhabited island in Ireland. While providing a dreamy, picturesque view of the island, the speaker also emphasizes the incompatibility of its virtues with modern life. In doing so, the speaker suggests that a return to nature offers unique spiritual rewards. When describing Innisfree, the speaker uses mystical language, praising the natural world as a strong spiritual force. The poem opens with the phrase “I will arise and go,” which appears word-for-word twice in the King James Version of the Bible (Yeats, born into a Protestant family.

likely used this text for worship). This allusion to the Bible at the poem’s very outset establishes that the speaker’s concerns and especially the fixation on Innisfree-are spiritual in nature. Subtle references to religious tradition continue, such as “the veils of morning” – a metaphor that likens early morning weather, such as fog and dew, to head coverings often worn for religious purposes. Plus, phrases like “purple glow” and “midnight’s all a glimmer” build a dreamy, supernatural atmosphere. Moreover, the speaker clearly feels a deep, personal connection to Innisfree, claiming that it calls out “always night and day,” relentlessly summoning the speaker. The two share a spiritual kinship, as nature lives within the speaker, who hears it “in the deep heart’s core.” The speaker believes that heeding its calls will bring “some peace.” Thus, the speaker champions nature as a profound divine force that can bring about inner serenity.

At the same time, the speaker emphasizes that communion with nature is the only path to attaining such spiritual rewards. In other words, modern society interferes with the pursuit of peace and truth. The speaker repeats the phrase “I will arise and go” as well as “and go.” As such, the speaker expresses a deep, persistent desire to get up and leave the city. When describing an ideal life on the island, the speaker also notably refers to Innisfree four times as “there.” In doing so, the speaker stresses that fulfillment cannot be achieved “here” – that is, in the present, urban setting. In lines 4-5, the speaker implies that spiritual awakenings occur only outside of advanced societies and large communities, and instead when individuals are in tune with nature. In particular, the speaker expresses an intent to “live alone” on Innisfree, right before declaring “I shall have some peace there,” Finally, in the poem’s penultimate line, the sound of splashing water entrances the speaker, who “stand[s] on the roadway, or on the pavements grey.” The inversion at the end of this line calls attention to the descriptor “grey,” playing up the bleak austerity of city life as a critical barrier to spiritual pursuits. 

The speaker thus presents nature as a profound spiritual force that contains essential truths- a wellspring of wisdom that can only be accessed via a total renunciation of modern society. However, the speaker remains embedded within an urban landscape, despite nature calling “always night and day.” By revealing the chasm between the speaker’s daydream and reality, the poem implicitly questions the attainability of a meaningful connection with nature in modern civilization.

2. What poetic devices does Yeats use in the poem? How do they contribute to the poem’s meaning and effect?

Ans. The poem is a lyric that seems to celebrate the simplicity, bounty, peace and diversity of nature. To express the central theme of the poem, several literary devices have been used in the poem The Lake Isle of Innisfree such as metaphor to show direct comparison between two things which the use of as or like. e.g. “veils of the morning”, “deep heart’s core”. Here night is referred to as veils of morning. Similarly poet’s desires are referred to as deep heart’s core. Alliteration which is possible with the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words, e.g. “a hive for the honey-bee”, “live alone in the bee-loud glade”, “a glimmer, and noon a purple glow”, “lake water lapping with low sounds”. While Anaphora is the repetition of a word or expression at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, sentences, or verses. e.g. “I will”, “go”. 

He further used personification which is the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human. e.g. “cricket sings”. Singing is the characteristic of humans and has been attributed to cricket (an insect). Also, images have been employed throughout the poem such as Visual Images (midnight’s all a glimmer, noon a purple glow), Auditory Images (the bee- loud glade, the cricket sings, I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore) etc. These words tap into several different senses, encouraging the reader to feel, hear, and see a scene. Yeats uses “alliteration” and “assonance” to emphasize the sound and mood of the poem. 

3. What is the role of nostalgia in the poem? How is it expressed?

Ans. The poem is the speaker’s recollection of Innisfree, and therefore the journey is an emotional and spiritual escape rather than an actual one. Innisfree may be a symbol for the speaker’s passed youth, which the speaker is unable to return to in the “real,” or physical, world. The poet is reminded of his past, his boyhood, when he visited the peaceful Lake Isle of Innisfree. He wants to go there and says that he will live there all alone. He wants to build a small cabin with clay and wattles. He would grow beans and get a honeybee hive for honey to survive on. The poet describes the peaceful natural surroundings of the lake. He says that the scene of the cloudy mornings, the shining stars, the glowing Sun and birds flying in the sky give him peace. He feels relaxed to hear the pleasant sound of The Cricket’s Song.

The poet feels the urgency to go to the lake Isle of Innisfree. In the depth of his heart, he can hear the sound of the lake waters hitting the shore. It is as if the lake is calling him. He hears the sound everywhere – either on the crowded roads or the grey – coloured pavements of the city in which he lives. This indicates that he wants to escape from the artificial life of the city into the peaceful surroundings of nature. The place Innisfree in the poem is framed based on an actual small island at the eastern end of Lough Gill in County Sligo; which he regularly visited as he was growing up, and the inspiration for the poem came when Yeats was living in London and walking Fleet Street, a busy commercial section of the city. The sound of a fountain’s water reminded him of the Sligo Lake, and the poem was born.

Additional Questions

1. By now you may have concluded that Innisfree is a simple, natural place,full of beauty and peace. How does the poet contrast it with where he now stands?

Ans. The poet describes lake Innisfree as a place full of the bounties of nature. He sees the cloudy sky, the shimmering stars in the night sky, the purplish glow of the afternoon Sun and the linnet bird flying in the evening sky. The sound of the cricket’s song is also pleasing to him. On the other hand, the place where he stands now is an urban place which is devoid of all these beauties of nature. He says that there are roadways and grey – coloured pavements around him.

2. Do you think Innisfree is only a place, or a state of mind? Does the poet actually miss the place of his boyhood days?

Ans. Innisfree is a place that the poet used to visit in his boyhood. As he lives in the city now, he expresses a desire to go to Innisfree which had peaceful surroundings. This shows his state of mind. Yes, he misses the lake Innisfree when he says that the sound of the lake water hitting the shore echoes in the core of his heart.

3. What does the poet hear in the deep “heart’s core”? What is his reaction to it?

Ans. The poet hears the sweet and gentle music made by the placid waves of the lake striking softly against the shore of the island. This music is so soft and powerful that the poet hears it in the core of his heart. It triggers in him a keen desire to go to the island of Innisfree and enjoy this melody amidst a harmonious environment.

4. Do you think Innisfree is only a place or a state of mind? Does the poet actually miss the place of his boyhood days?

Ans. The natural beauty of Innisfree is not the creation of the poet’s fancy. It is a real place that gives solace to the frustrated souls. The poet longs to live in such a beautiful and peaceful place. He misses it a lot.

5. What is the central idea/theme of the poem ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’? 

Ans. The poet, W.B. Yeats deeply longs for peace in the natural surroundings. Innisfree is an island on the Lake Isle. The poet had spent a lot of time there as a boy. He seems to be fed up with the hectic and noisy city life. Now he wants to go to Innisfree to live in the lap of nature. He will enjoy the water playing in the lake. The humming of bees and their beehives would please him. The sum and substance are that living in nature provides us with peace and happiness.

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