Class 12 Alternative English Chapter 3 The Verger

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Class 12 Alternative English Chapter 3 The Verger

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The Verger



A. State whether these sentences are True or False. 

1. Albert Edward was a habitual smoker. 

Ans. False.

2. Albert Edward was very particular about his gowns.

Ans. True.

3. The churchwardens were young men.

Ans. False.

4. The verger learnt to read and write only upon entering into business.

Ans. False.

B. Answer these questions in one or two words.

1. For how long had the verger been at St. Peter’s?

Ans. Sixteen years.

2. In the course of how many years did Albert Edward own ten shops?

Ans. Ten years.

3. From where did the new verger hail?

Ans. East End.

4. How much money did Albert Edward have at the bank?

Ans. Thirty thousand pounds.

5. Which brand of cigarettes did the verger want to buy?

Ans. Gold Flake.

6. How much time did the new vicar propose to give the verger to learn reading and writing? 

Ans. Three months.

C. Answer these Questions in a sentence or two.

1. What did Albert Edward do before he became the verger at St. Peter’s?

Ans. For a year, he worked as a single-handed butler for a widowed peeress. He then worked as a butler in the house of a retired ambassador with two men beneath him before becoming a verger at St. Peter’s Church. 

2. What did the new vicar discover?

Ans. The new vicar found it very strange that the verger of a church located in such a respectable locality as Neville Square had an illiterate verger. So he called Foreman to the vestry one evening after the formalities of the church were over and enquired about his incapability to read and write.

3. What is the opinion of the verger regarding the new vicar?

Ans. The verger did not like the new vicar as he thought that the new vicar wanted to control everything according to his own way.

4. What does the bank manager suggest to Albert Edward? 

Ans. he manager suggested Albert Foreman to invest a part of his savings on buying securities which would earn a much higher rate of interest but Albert did not want to take the risk.

D. Answer these Questions briefly. 

1. What was the condition put forth by the new vicar to the verger?

Ans. The condition laid down before the Verger by the vicar and the two church wardens was that the Verger must learn letters within three months. Failing to do so, he would loose his job as they could not take the risk of some accident caused due to his lamentable ignorance.

2. Briefly describe the verger’s attitude towards his gowns. 

Ans. The verger treated his gowns with much care, pride, and dignity. He wore his gowns with complacency as it was the dignified symbol of his office. He took pains with it, pressed it, and ironed it himself. He even preserved the old worn-out gowns, wrapped neatly up in brown paper, and kept them in the bottom drawers of the wardrobe in his bedroom.

3. Explain the significance of the following sentence: ‘The vergers of St. Peter’s, like the Pope of Rome, were there for life’.

Ans. This sentence highlights the significance of the role of the vergers at St. Peter’s, drawing a parallel to the lifelong tenures of the Popes in Rome. The comparison emphasizes the same state of permanence and stability between both the positions. In fact, both the situations are a symbol of continuity of dedication, commitment, loyalty and responsibility towards the Church and the community.

4. How did the manager react upon the discovery that Mr. Foreman could neither read nor write?

Ans. The manager reacted positively upon the discovery that Mr. Foreman could neither read nor write. Instead of showing contempt, disgust or criticism, he suggested ways as to how Mr. Foreman could learn these skills. 

Chapter 1A Cup of Tea
Chapter 2The voyage
Chapter 3The Verger
Chapter 4The Martyr’s Corner
Chapter 5Bina Kutir
Chapter 6Ozymandius Of Egypt
Chapter 7Because I Could Not Stop For Death
Chapter 8Strange Meeting
Chapter 9The Solitude Of Alexander Selkirk
Chapter 10The Lake Isle Of Innisfree
Chapter 11Night Of The Scorpion

5. Briefly describe the career of Albert Edward.

Ans. Albert Edward Foreman though an illiterate person served as the verger of St. Peter’s Neville Square for 16 years. He began his life as a page boy at the age of twelve in the house of a merchant prince. He then rose from fourth to the first footman and later he had been single-handed butler to a widowed peeress. And before being appointed at St. Peter’s, Foreman was a butler with two men under him in a retired ambassador’s house. Albert Edward Foreman was a man of confidence and self-respecting nature. When the vicar discovers that the verger could neither read nor write and instruct him to learn reading and writing within three months or leave the job of the verger, he did not feel shattered. Rather he told him that he would not be able to learn to read and write at this old age and that he happily offered his resignation. This could be seen as the verger took up the occupation as a tobacconist and newsagent after resigning from the church. Albert Edward Foreman was a realistic and proud man with great business acumen and common sense. Albert Edward started his business as a tobacconist with a little shop. He did very well in business. In a year he took a second shop and put a manager in it. He opened these shops in a long street where there was no tobacconist. It was a success too. Then he thought that if he could run two he could run half a dozen so he began walking about in the streets of London and whenever he found a long street without any tobacconist and a shop to let, he took it. Within ten years he acquired no less than ten shops and he was making money hand over fist. In this way by dint of his practical thinking, the ability for hard work, and dedication he expanded his business.

E. Answer these Questions in detail.

1. Describe, in detail, how Albert Edward lost the job of the verger at St. Peter’s.

Ans. Albert Edward Foreman served St. Peter’s church as a verger for sixteen years. He accomplished the duties of the office to the satisfaction of everybody concerned. Everything was going on smoothly until the new vicar came. The new vicar was an educated man. When he came to know that the verger was an illiterate man he was shocked. So, one afternoon the vicar asked the verger to come to the vestry. In the vestry, the verger wondered with slight uneasiness what could be the matter as he found the two churchwardens already sitting there with the vicar. The troubled look of the two churchwardens led the verger to think that the vicar had been nagging them and might have jockeyed them into doing something against their will while he was wondering about the situation, the vicar told the verger that he had something unpleasant to say to him. The vicar admitted that the verger had accomplished the duties of the office to the satisfaction of everybody concerned. But he was astonished to find the verger to be an illiterate person. In that case, the verger could not be allowed to continue his job in a prestigious church like St. Peter’s. Hence, as the vicar said, the verger must learn to read and write within three months or leave his office. But the verger refused to take the offer and preferred to resign believing that it was too late now to learn. Albert Edward lost his job as the verger at St. Peter’s church due to the new vicar’s chance discovery of his illiteracy. After serving as the verger for sixteen years, the new vicar called him into the vestry and expressed his astonishment at the fact that Albert Edward could neither read nor write. It was under these circumstances the verger had to lose his job in St. Peter’s church.

2. Would you consider that the new vicar’s chance discovery of Foreman’s illiteracy was a blessing in disguise for the verger? Write a persuasive answer.

Ans. Yes, the new vicar’s chance discovery of Foreman’s illiteracy can be considered a blessing in disguise for the verger. While it initially led to the loss of his job, it ultimately set in motion a series of events that changed the trajectory of Albert Edward’s life for good. Upon leaving the job as the verger, Albert Edward took a wrong turn as he walked back home disheartened. Soon, he found himself in need of cigarettes. To his surprise, he could not find a shop in the entire street that sold them. This prompted him to seize the opportunity and open his own tobacco shop and newsagent business the next day. As this venture became a instant success, Albert Edward subsequently opened many more shops which made he a wealthy man with a substantial fortune. In retrospect, if the new vicar had not discovered Albert Edward’s illiteracy and had given him the ultimatum to learn how to read and write, Albert Edward may have continued in his role as a verger without exploring his potential in other areas. His illiteracy, which seemed like a limitation at the time, actually pushed him to venture into the business world, where he thrived and achieved financial success beyond what he could have ever imagined. Keeping this in consideration, we could see Albert Edward’s story as a fine example of how setbacks and unexpected discoveries can sometimes lead to new opportunities and growth. By embracing the situation and adapting to the circumstances, Albert Edward was able to overcome the challenges and find success in a different path. Thus, the chance discovery of his illiteracy by the new vicar can indeed be seen as a blessing in disguise for the verger.

Additional Questions

1. Who is the author of the prose piece, “The Verger” 

Ans. William Somerset Mangham is the author of the prose piece “The Verger”.

2. Who is the Verger in the lesson?

Ans. Albert Edward Foreman is the Verger in the lesson. 

3. Where does the Verger work?

Ans. The Verger worked at St. Peter’s church at Neville Square. 

4. Where is St. peter’s church located? 

Ans. St. Peter’s church is located at Neville Square.

5. What was the occasion that particular afternoon?.

Ans. That afternoon there had been a christening at St. Peter’s church.

6. What was the Verger’s gown made of?

Ans. The Verger’s gown was made up of alpaca. 

7. Who were the people that frequented St. Peter’s, Neville Square?

Ans. The people that frequented St. Peter’s church.

8. For how long had the verger been working at St. Peter’s?

Ans. The Verger had been working for last sixteen years at St. Peter’s church.

9. What is a vestry?

Ans. Vestry is a room attached to a church or chapel used for keeping vestments, vessels and records.

10. Where had the new vicar come from?

Ans. The new vicar had come from the East End. 

11. How do fact and fiction work in Maugham’s work?

Ans. In Maugham’s work fact and fiction are so inter mingled that one could hardly distinguish one from other. The intensely close relationship. between the fictional and the real became a characteristics traits in his work.

12. On what occasions did the verger use his new gown?

Ans. The verger used his new gowns for funerals and weddings. He used his second best for christening and other ceremonies. He wore it with complacence as it was the dignified symbol of his office.

13. How did the verger regard his official dress?

Ans. On the Verger regarded his official dress as the dignified symbol of his office. Without it he had the sensation of being somewhat insufficiently clad.

14. On the day of the christening, what did the verger compliment the new vicar on?

Ans. The day of the christening, what did the verger compliment the new vicar that it was a very nice christening. Even the baby stopped crying when the vicar look him and settled him in the crook of his surpliced arm.

15. Who were awaiting the verger and the vicar in the vestry? 

Ans. In the vestry, two church wardens who were elderly men, were awaiting the verger and the vicar. 

16. How long had the two church wardens been there at St. Peter’s?

Ans. The two church wardens had been there almost as long as Albert Edward had been verger, ie. They had been there for last sixteen years.

17. Who had brought in the handsome refectory table at the church and from where? 

Ans: The old vicar had brought in the handsome refectory table at the church. He had brought it from Italy.

18. What was the expression on the face of the two church wardens and the vicar?

Ans. The vicar’s red face bore an expression of resolute benignity while the two church warden’s face bore an expression that was slightly troubled.

19. Where did the verger head to after his meeting with the two church wardens?

Ans. After his meeting with the two church William Somerset Maugham, Albert Edward walked slowly back to the vestry and hung up his gown. Then he walked down the aisle and locked the church door behind him. But deep in his thought he took the wrong street.

20. How much time is offered to the verger to learn his letters? 

Ans. The vicar offered three months time to the verger to learn his letters and if at the end of that time he could not read and write then he would lose his post of verger. 

21. Why didn’t Albert Foreman want to go back to doing domestic service?

Ans. Albert Foreman did not want to go back to doing domestic service because he had been his own master for so many years and had run St. Peter’s Neville Square as a Verger. So he could not demean himself by going back to domestic service.

22. What was Albert Foreman looking for in the street where he mistakenly ventured into? Did he find it there?

Ans. Albert Edward Foreman had been looking for a shop in the street where he could buy a packet of Gold Flakes. No he did not find it there. 

23. What idea came to Albert Foreman’s mind as he walked along the street looking for cigarettes?

Ans. While walking along the street looking for cigarettes, Albert Edward Foreman did not get it. He found it very strange and thought that he could not be the only man walking along that street and wanted a fag. So he had an idea to start a little shop there of tobacco and sweets.

24. What business did Albert Foreman set up and where? 

Ans. Albert Edward Foreman set up in business as a tobacconist and news agent. He set up business of tobacco and sweets. He started it in a long street where there were no tobacconist.

25. What was the reaction of Albert Foreman’s wife to his new venture?

Ans. Albert Edward Foreman wife did not like his new venture. As per her it was a dreadful come down after being verger of St. Peter’s.

26. What did the verger do with his old gowns?

Ans. The Verger was very much fond of his gowns as he considered them dignified symbol of his office. He had never thrown away his old gowns rather he kept them in the bottom drawer of his wardrobe. Wrapped up in brown paper. He had a succession of such old gowns, in a complete series.

27. What was the talent of the new vicar?

Ans. The new vicar who represented educated modern generation had a special talent of handling infants. He could nearly always quiet a whimpering infant by the manner in which he held it. He could easily settle the baby in the crook of his surpliced arm and it was a source of subdued pride to him.

28. Why did the verger miss the previous vicar? 

Ans. The Verger missed the previous vicar because Albert had been in good terms with him without any complaints about his abilities.

29. What was the ‘most extraordinary circumstances’ referred to by the vicar? 

Ans. The ‘most extraordinary circumstances’ referred to by the vicar was that the verger was illiterate. He could neither read nor write. He had been verger of St. Peter’s Neville square for sixteen years and had never learned to read and write. He then disregarded long years of his dedicated service on the ground of his illiteracy.

30. How did the verger react to the sudden disclosure by the vicar about his deficiency?

Ans. When vicar disclosed about the verger’s ‘deficiency’ i.e. his illiteracy, the eligibility of the verger was challenged. The Verger was shocked her he reacted without any sign of embarrassment. He remained firm in his opinion that he could always manage things very well even though he didn’t have any formal education. The verger’s face reddened and he felt uneasy still he didn’t argue. He merely refused the proposal of reading and writing and preferred to resign believing that it was too late to learn. He maintained his dignity

31. Why couldn’t the verger learn the letters when he was young?

Ans. The verger couldn’t learn the letters when he was young because at the early age of twelve he went into service. In the first place, the cook tried to teach him but during that period Albert didn’t have the knack for it. Later on he did get much time to learn letters. Moreover he had also never found the want of it because he seemed to manage very well without education. So due to lack of time and enthusiasm the verger could not learn the letters when he was young.

32. What was the decision taken by the vicar regarding the verger? What kind of a man was the new vicar?

Ans. The vicar took the decision that the verger must learn letters within three months otherwise he would loose his job because he could not take the risk of some accidents caused due to his lamentable ignorance. It was a matter of prudence as well as of principle. The new vicar, a red faced energetic man in the early forties represented the educated modern generation. He was a stern man, who wanted to indulge in all the affairs of the church with least generosity. He was a man who maintained his pride and vanity. 

33. Why couldn’t the new vicar be expected to blend in perfectly with the fashionable parishioners at St. Peter? 

Ans. The new vicar could not be expected to blend in perfectly with the fashionable parishioners at St. Peter’s because he always maintained his pride and vanity as he had come from the east end. The new vicar was a stern man. so he could not fall at once with the discreet ways of his fashionable congregation.

4. How long had Albert Edward Foreman been verger at St Peter’s when he was asked to step down? 

Ans. Albert Edward Foreman had been a verger at St Peter’s, Neville Square for a great many years. He had been there for sixteen years when he was asked to step down.

35. Why was the verger asked to step down? Do you think this was a fair decision? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans. The Verger asked to step down because he was illiterate. He could neither read nor write. It was an unfair decision. His sixteen years of services speaks volumes for it. He had served the church sixteen years to the situations of everybody without knowing reading or writing. According to last Vicar, knowing or not knowing these things did not make any difference as fair as Verger was concerned. 

36. What did the verger do when he left the church after his meeting with the vicar?

Ans. When he left the church after his meeting with the vicar, he strolled across the square. Having lost in sad thoughts, he took the wrong turning and walked along slowly. He wanted to smoke but found no shop selling cigarettes. An idea struck him. The next day he found a shop to let in that street and that he took and set up in business as tobacconist and newsagent.

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