SEBA Class 8 English Chapter 4 Dokchory learns about the panchayat

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SEBA Class 8 English Chapter 4 Dokchory learns about the panchayat

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Dokchory learns about the panchayat

ACTIVITIES (অ্যাকটিভিটি) – ক্রিয়াকলাপ

1. Here are some words from the text and their meanings.

Text your understanding by matching the worlds on the left with their meanings on the right. – এখানে পাঠটি থেকে কিছু শব্দ এবং এর অর্থ বয়েছে । তোমার বোধ দিয়ে বামদিকের শব্দগুলির সাথে তার ডানদিকে অর্থগুলির সাথে মেলাবার চেষ্টা করো ।

institutionmanner of governing or ruling.
electionsangry dispute, unfriendly rela tions with someone.
sincerityorganısation or society.
differently abledthe exercise through which we vote for new leaders.
schemesthe money citizens of a country have to pay the government to help it do different kinds of work.
rurallarge in size or amount.
taxrelating to a village or the coun tryside.
quarrelhaving a physical or mental for a person to do all the work that other people do.
governancedevotion to a purpose.


institutionOrganisation or Society.
electionsThe exercise through which we vote for new leaders.
sinceritydevotion to a purpose.
differently abledhaving a physical or mental condition that makes it difficult for a person to do all the  work that other people do.
substantiallarge in Size or amount.
ruralrelating to a village or the coun tryside.
taxthe money citizens of a country have to pay the government to help it do different kinds of work.
quarrelangry dispute, unfriendly rela tions with someone.
governancemanner of governing or ruling.

2. Complete the following sentences with information from the text : পাঠ্য থেকে তথ্য সহ নিম্নলিখিত বাক্যগুলি সম্পূর্ণ করো ।

(a) Dokchory studies in class ________

Ans. VIII.

(b) The name of her school is ________

Ans. Disangmukh Janajati High School.

(c) Her father’s name is ________

Ans. Konke Mili.

(d) He works in the _______

Ans. Panchayat.

(e) Dokchory goes to school by ________

Ans. Bycycle.

(f) She loves the ride because she ________

Ans. She gets to know new things every day.

Chapter 1The Prince of Panidihing
Chapter 2My Native Land
Chapter 3Explore India: Quiz Time
Chapter 4Dokchory learns about the panchayat 
Chapter 5Louis Pasteur
Chapter 6A New Day, A New way
Chapter 7Sympathy
Chapter 8Chandraprabha Saikiani
Read For Pleasure
Chapter 1The wooden Horse
Chapter 2Two Drops of pulse polio
Chapter 3The second voyage of sindbad
Chapter 4Albert Schweitzer
Chapter 5The village child
Chapter 6The Three Runners
Chapter 7The spider and the Fly
Chapter 8On Happiness

(g) To contest the Panchayat elections, one has to be ________ years old.

Ans. 21

3. Answer the following questions to understand the text batter : পাঠ্যটি আর‌ও ভালোভাবে বুঝতে নীচের প্রশ্নের উত্তর দাও ।

(a) What was the meaning of Panchayat long ago? – বহু আগে পঞ্চায়েতের অর্থ কি ছিল?

Ans. Long ago Panchayat meant a system of gover – nance by elderly men called panch Gramin Pramukh. This word was the rule. There was no quarrel among the villag – ers, because they respect their gramin pramukhas.

(b) What is the meaning of Panchayat now? – এখনকার দিনে পঞ্চায়েতের অর্থ কি?

Ans. Now days Panchayat means, very small impor – tant institution for social changes.

(c) What kind of work is done by the Panchayat? – পঞ্চায়েত কোন ধরনের কাজগুলি করা হয়?

Ans. Panchayat build and repair rural roads, bridges, houses for the poor.

(d) From where does the Panchayat get money to perform all its work? – পঞ্চায়েত তার কাজের জন্য কোথা থেকে টাকা পায়?

Ans. Panchayat get money from taxes on vehicles, river ghats, bazaars, and beels.

(e) How did the Panchayat help Dhaniram? – পঞ্চায়েত ধনীরামকে কিভাবে সাহায্য করেছিল?

Ans. Panchayat did a house tor him.

(f) How did Dhaniram spend the cold December nights? – ডিসেম্বরের শীত ধনীরাম কীভাবে কাটায়?

Ans. He spends the bitter cold december nights on the open Verandah of the school building.

4. You have just read about the Panchayat. using information from the lesson, fill in the table below : তুমি সবেমাত্র পঞ্চায়েত সম্পর্কে পড়েছ, তাই থেকে তথ্য ব্যবহার করে নীচের টেবিলটি পুরো ন করো ।

The Panchayat
Minimum age to contest:
Powers of a Panchayat:
Kinds of work a Panchayat does:
Sources of money:


The Panchayat
Minimum age to contest:21
Powers of a Panchayat:Responsible for the development.
Kinds of work a Panchayat does:Build and repair rural roads, bridges, houses for the Poor.
Sources of money:from taxes on vehicles, river ghats, bazaars and beels.

5. The morning assembly of Disangmukh Janajati High school begins at 8.45 every day. Each student of 

the school has to deliver a speech according to a roster prepared by the school authorities..

When Dokchory’s turn came, she gave the following speech :

Ans. Good morning!

Respected Principal, teachers, parents and my dear friends. I am Dokchory. Today I am going to talk about the Father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi, who is also known as Bapu. His full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Gandhiji was born on 2 October, 1869 in Porbandar, Gujrat in India. He was a great freedom fighter who led India in its fight against the British rule. Gandhiji died on 30 January, 1948. His life story is a source of inspiration for all of us.

6. Imagine that your turn to deliver a speech for the morning assembly is tomorroW. Prepare your own speech using Dokchory’s example, and present it the class.

– Your teacher will ask each student to deliver the speech one by one.

Ans. It is done in the book.

6. Discuss in small groups:

(a) If you want to help the needy, would it be fine to do it immediately? why or why not?

(b) How would you like to help a person with special needs? Share your ideas in your group.

(c) Dip Konke Mili plan the right thing to help Dhaniram? Give more suggestions.

Ans. Do it. yourself.

7. Dokchory will work for the Panchayat when she finishes school. Write a paragraph on what you will do for your village or town when you groW up. – ডকচোরি যখন তার বিদ্যালয়ের পড়া শেষ করবে তখন সে পঞ্চায়েতের হয়ে কাজ করবে । তুমি একটি অনুচ্ছেদ লেখ তুমি তোমার গ্ৰাম বা শহরের জন্য কী করবে যখন তুমি বড় হয়ে যাবে।

Ans. First of all I have to love the village I live in. The people there should love all the animals. Then they will have the attitude to do something. Roads in village which have become hazardous due to monsoon should be fixed. If there is no health centre in the village then it is my responsibility to build it, and the treatment there should be completely free. Build a house for those who have no place to spend their days on the road. The need of education is important things, I will set up an unpaid school in the Village and I will also make the village clean and natural.

8. In elass VII you learnt about Reported speech and Reporting verbs. In this lesson, we see more of Such sentences.

Look at this sentence from the lesson :

She said to her father, “What is a Panchayat ?”

The reported clause starts with a ‘wh’ questions. Wh words are who, when, whom, whose, what. where, which, why and how. A wh -question is changed into the indirect form by using the question word at the beginning of the reported clause.

e.g. She asked her father what a Panchayat was.

Let’s practise changing other questions into the reported form : আসো অন্য প্রশ্নগুলো প্রতিবেদিত‌ আকারে  পরিবর্তনের অনুশীলন করি ।

(a) She said to her father, “What kind of work you do?”

Ans. She asked her father what kind of work he did.

(b) She said to her father, ‘”Where do you get all the money from?””

Ans. She asked her father where did he from get all the money.

(c) She said to her father, “Its that enough to do so much work?”

Ans. She asked her father was that enough to did so much work.

(d) She asked him, “Why don’t you build a house for poor Dhaniram?

Ans. She asked him why don’t he build a house for poor Dhaniram.

(e) She said to him, “What is a Panchyat?”

Ans. She asked to him what a Panchayat was.

Now read this sentence. It is another type of reported sentence:

(a) she said to her father, “Do something for the old man,”

Here the reported clause is an Imperative sentence, In an imperative sentence, the subject, which is usually the second person ‘you, is generally left unwritten.

(b) Do something for the old man. (= You do some-thing for the old man.)

There are types of imperatives such as negative and emphatic imperatives. For example, the impera-tive sentence.

(c) Come in please.

Can be turned into

Negative: Don’t come in, please.

Emphatic: Do come in, please.

Find out how much you have understood. Change the following imperative sentences into their negative and emphatic forms: তুমি কতটা বুঝতে পেরেছ সন্ধান করো । নিম্নলিখিত আবশ্যক বাক্যগুলিকে নেতিবাচক এবং জোর দেওয়া ফর্মগুলিতে পরিবর্তন করো ।

(a) Repair the roads.

Ans. Negative – Don’t repair the roads.

Emphatic – Do repair the roads.

(b) Build a house for Dhaniram.

Ans. Negative- Don’t build a house for Dhaniram.

Emphatic- Do build a house for Dhaniram 

(c) Work for local development.

Ans. Negative – Don’t work for local developement.

Emphatic – Do work for local development.

(d) Close the door, please.

Ans. Negative – Don’t close the door, please.

Emphatic – Do close the door, please.

(e) Please wash your hands.

Ans. Negative – Don’t wash your face, please.

Emphatic – Do wash your face, please.

9. Say the words in the box aloud:


Did you notice that they all have the sound ch?

Now, find other words from the lesson which have similar ch sound in them. Write them in your note – book. Add a few more and practise saying them aloud.

Ans. Practice work/ do it yourself.

10. Here is a crossword puzzle for you to find out the adjectives (describing words) in the puzzle to fill up the blanks on the right. One is done for you. – এখানে তোমার জন্য একটি শব্দ ধাঁধা দেওয়া হয়েছে বিশেষণগুলো খোঁজো এবং শূন্যস্থানগুলি পূরণ করো । একটি তোমার জন্য করে দেওয়া হলো ।

Ans. (b) Annual grant

(c) Rural roads

(d) Important Institution

(e) Big things

(f) Social change

(g) good Questions

(h) bitter cold drg. a

11. Let’s play a game. Look at the following pairs of words quickly. Each pair looks the same, but are dif – ferent in meaning as well as in spelling. The different meanings are given against each pair. Fill in the blanks by putting in one or two letter(s) to show the difference in spelling. The one who completes it first will be the winner. – চলো একটা খেলা যাক । নীচের শব্দযুগলের দিকে তাড়াতাড়ি দেখো । দুটি শব্দযুগলকে‌ দেখতে এক‌ই, কিন্ত তাদের অর্থ ও বানান আলাদা । প্রতিটি জুড়ির বিপরীতে আলাদা আলাদা অর্থ দেওয়া হয়েছে । একটি বা দুটি অক্ষর  রেখে শূন্যস্থান পূরণ করো বানানের পার্থক্য দেখাও । যে প্রথমে করবে সে বিজেতা হবে ।

(a) d – ry: a record of everyday’s events or thoughts.                                                                           

d – ry: a place where milk is processed make different mild products. 

(b) w – ther: temperature of a place.

w – ther: expressing a doubt.

(c) I – ke: a large area of water.

i – ke: Similar to.

(d) w – sh: to make something clean by using water.

w – sh: to want something to happen.

(e) n – w: fresh, not old or used.

n – w: the present time

Ans. (a) d ia ry

d ai ry.

(b) w ea ther

w he ther

(c) I a ke


(d) w a sh

w i sh

(e) n e w

n o w

12. Rupalee Chetia is a contestant for president in the coming Panchayat election. In groups, design a poster seeking votes for her victory.

Ans. Do it yourself.

13. Recite the poem : – পুনরায় কবিতাটি পাঠ কর ।

Love of Country

Who loves his country will not rest

Content with vow and pledge alone,

But flies her banner in his breast

And counts her destiny his own –

Not only when the bugle plays

Stands forth to give his life for her,

But on the field of common days

Is strong to live his life for her,

He is not satisfied to claim

As heritage, her power and fame,

But striving, gains the right to wear

The shining honour of her name.

– Nancy Byrd Tuner

Ans. Look at the book.

14. Think and write : – ভাবো এবং লেখো ।

Do you love your country? Discuss with your friend how can you show your love for your country. Write a paragraph on it. – তুমি তোমার দেশকে ভালোবাসো? তুমি তোমার বন্ধুদের সাথে আলোচনা করো কিভাবে তুমি সেটা দেখাতে পারবে । তার উপর একটি অনুচ্ছেদ লেখো ।


Ans. I love my country because it is my mother country. The people around me are lovely. The tradition is something uníque. The natural beauty spread all over India is really enchanting. The religious touch that we could find among Indians is heart touching. Besides all this factors, there are many other aspects of India which have attracted my attention to keep me loving it, I want to state only two aspects here because of shortage of time. We speaks different languages. Every 25 kilometer entertains different culture. All the Major religions are followed here communal clashes are the nature of the day. In all my country is like the seven colours of the Sun. In any situation in life, I will always be there to help people in my country. Everything in the country will come forward for good work with country, I will always show the country the light of improvement.


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