SEBA Class 10 Geography Chapter 2 Notes Environmental Geography

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Class 10 Geography Chapter 2 Notes Environmental Geography

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Environmental Geography


1. What is meant by environment? Why is environment considered to be a system?

Ans: The word ‘environment’ relates to the region surrounding the earth which includes all the natural things like land, water and air together with all the living organisms including man make the environment. It is an arrangement of nature by which living and non-living things co-exists in a balanced manner.

Environment is considered to be a system because the environment itself is a system and this system is being operated by the combined action of all the biotic and abiotic components. The unique features of this system is that the components of the environment co- exists in a balanced manner. There is much interdependence and close interaction among the various elements of this system.

2. State with examples the relationship amongst lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.

Ans: The environment consists of four components they are: the lithosphere, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the biosphere. There is a close interdependence and interaction among the four components of the environment.

Some examples of the relationship amongst lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere are:

(i) Any change that occurs in any one of the major component affects the other three components of the environment. When atmosphere is affected by over radiation from the sun it affects the hydrosphere, the lithosphere and the biosphere. It leads to the melting of snow which in turn causes a rise in the sea level bringing a lot of changes in the coastal region of the earth’s surface. 

(ii) In case of rain, rain clouds are formed as a result of evaporation. Rain from the atmosphere is essential for the survival of living organisms on the lithosphere and the biosphere. Drying of water bodies has a negative impact on atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Cutting down of trees of the lithosphere leads to over abundance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leading to global warming which effect not only living organisms on the earth but also those of the oceans. Thus, it is evident that all the four components of the environment are closely connected and interdependent on each other.

3. Write in brief as to why the environment of all the regions of the world are not same.

Ans: One of the unique features of environment is that all the regions of the world have different environment. 

For example:

(i) The environmental conditions of the equatorial regions are quite different from those of the polar regions. The environment of the equatorial region is characterized by high temperature and high rainfall throughout the year while polar regions are mark by low temperature.

(ii) The environment of all the regions are not same because of location, topography, distance from the water bodies, altitude, climate, nature of the flora and fauna etc. As these factors vary from place to place the environment also varies from place to place.

4. Define Environmental Geography.

Ans: Environmental Geography is defined as the study of Geography which includes all the elements both physical natural and social, that are present on the different region of the earth’s surface. In another word it is a branch of Geography which studies the nature of global environment, its spatio-temporal changes that tries to find out the portable solution of the environmental problem.

5. Discuss the importance of environmental geography as a branch of geography.

Ans: The branch of Geography which studies the nature of global environment, its spatio-temporal changes and tries to find out the probable solution of the environmental problem is called environmental geography. The environmental problems such as deforestation, global warming, air pollution, water pollution, etc. have reached such an alarming state that they are affecting our very existence on earth. The world is becoming too hot to live. The fresh water resources are drying up. All these changes are making mans life on earth difficult.

The subject matter of Environmental Geography has a lot of affinity and close connection with other branches of study such as Physics, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Geography, Climatology, etc. as many of these branches also have similar subject matter for study. This also has raised the importance of Environmental Geography.

6. Give an account on the objective and scope of Environmental Geography.

Ans: The branch of Geography which studies the nature of global environment its spatio-temporal changes and tries to find out the probable solution of the environmental problem is called Environmental Geography. The main objective of Environmental Geography is to understand the nature of the global environment, recent changes that have taken place in the environment and try to find out proper solution to the existing environmental problem by systematic analysis.

The main scope of environmental Geography are:

(i) Nature of global environment.

(ii) Changes that have taken place in the environment in the recent past. 

(iii) Various environmental problems.

(iv) Natural disaster and its management.

(v) Population growth and its impact on environment.

7. What do you mean by elements of environment? Write down the meaning of biotic and abiotic elements.

Ans: Elements of environment mean the various components like Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Biosphere that constitute the environment. The environment consists of two categories of element, namely i) biotic elements and ii) abiotic elements.

(i) Biotic elements: The elements that have life and are exists within biosphere are called biotic elements. For example, man, plants, animals, microorganisms, etc. 

(ii) Abiotic elements: The elements that do not have life are called abiotic elements. For example,  soil,  rock, sand,  sunlight humidity, etc. They are found in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere.

8. Complete the given list by making a division of biotic and abiotic from the following elements:

sand, mineral, bacteria, phytoplankton, grass, rainfall, humidity, soil, water, forest, insect, virus, coal, mineral oil, mangrove, solar energy.


Biotic ElementsAbiotic Elements
Bacteria, phytoplankton, grass, forest, insect, virus, mangrove.sand, mineral, rainfall, humidity, soil, water, coal, mineral oil, solar energy.

9. What is meant by environmental problem?

Ans: The problems that deeply affect the normal functioning of the various elements and components of the environment are known as environmental problem.

10. Mention the causes which are responsible for the growing environmental problem in the world.

Ans: The major causes which are responsible for the growing environmental problems in the world are:

(i) Deforestation: Cutting down of trees from the forest for agriculture, animal grazing, to obtain wood, construction, etc are called deforestation. Deforestation is the cause of many problems and the result of many development processes. It has been said about global warming and we know, it is caused due to increase in the quantity of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The industrial development and rapid upliftment of the standard of living of the people can be said to be one of the major causes of deforestation and this leads to the loss of green cover over the earth’s surface and thereby causing global warming. By losing the forest resource, we are destroying the ecological balance in the environment. 

(ii) Growth of population: The fast emerging urbanization, industrialisation, and expansion of human settlement have been responsible for the depletion of natural resources such as forests, water, minerals, etc. The world’s population has increased at a very high rate. The percentage of urban population in the total population of the world has also been ever increasing rapidly. High population calls for greater use of resources leading to their quick depletion which in turn disturb the existing ecological balance in nature.

(iii) Acid rain: A chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain.The more acidic the acid rain is, the lower its pH is. Acid rain can have harmful effects on plants, aquatic animals, and infrastructure. It cause harm to human like skin disease, by making the drinking water acidic which creates more problems to the human and animal.

(iv) Pollution: Pollution is one of the main causes of an environmental problems because it pollutes the air, water, soil, and noise. Pollution is caused due to the following reasons- Burning of Fossil Fuels, Industrial Emission, Wildfires, Microbial Decaying Process, Transportation, Open Burning of Garbage Waste, etc. Pollution can cause harm to human health like heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases such as emphysema. It can also cause long-term damage to people’s nerves, brain, kidneys, liver, and other organs.

(v) Overuse of vehicles: One of the inevitable results of industrial growth, urbanization and improvement in the standard of living is the over use of vehicle which produce tremendous amount of smoke and greenhouse gases thereby causing global warming. The expansion of air travel by way of aircraft has increased the presence of certain gases in the atmosphere which causes the depletion of ozone layer. The depletion of ozone layer has adverse effect on all the living organism on the earth.

Chapter – 1Physical Geography
Chapter – 2Environmental Geography
Chapter – 3Concept Of Region And Regional Geography Of The World
Chapter – 4Regional Geography Of U.S.A
Chapter – 5Regional Geography Of Japan
Chapter – 6Regional Geography Of India
Chapter – 7Practical Geography
Chapter – 8Map Scale

11. What do you mean by the balance state of environment?

Ans: The ecological equilibrium maintained by the various elements of environment is known as the balance state of environment. Nature maintains an ecological balance in the environment. For example- There is an ecological balance between the various biotic and abiotic elements of environment.

12. “Deforestation is the cause of many problems and the result of many developmental processes”– analyse the statement with arguments.

Ans: Cutting down of trees from the forest for agriculture, animal grazing, to obtain wood, construction, etc are called deforestation. Deforestation is the cause of many problems and the result of many development processes. It has been said about global warming that increase in the quantity of carbon dioxide and the green house gases in the atmosphere. 

Deforestation cause the following problems to the environment:

(i) It causes the increase of heat over the earth.

(ii) It affects the biodiversity.

(iii) It causes drought conditions and scarcity of water.

(iv) It causes landslides and soil erosion.

Though deforestation causes a lot of problems, but it has some benefits also. There are several developmental schemes and projects in most countries. 

Some of the benefits from deforestation are:

(i) It provides more space for human settlement.

(ii) It provides more space for industrial expansion.

(iii) It leads to expansion of urban centres.

(iv) The clearing of forest areas increases the extent of land for cultivation.

13. What is global warming? Discuss it’s main causes.

Ans: The increase in global temperature brought about by the increase emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, water vapour, etc. into the atmosphere. 

The main causes of global warming are: 

(i) Use of fossil fuels: One of the primary causes for the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is the burning of fossil fuels such as petroleum, diesel, kerosene, etc. As a result many gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur oxide, etc are produced.

(ii) Deforestation: Deforestation increases the presence of greenhouse gases mainly carbon dioxide. Trees absorbs the carbon dioxide given out by human beings and convert it into oxygen. The green cover is decreasing and the population is increasing rapidly leading to increase in the presence of carbon dioxide which in turn causes an increase in the temperature of the atmosphere.

(iii) Increased of chlorofluorocarbons: As a result of use of air conditioner, refrigerators, production of plastic foams, etc the presence of chlorofluorocarbons has increased in the atmosphere. These gases keep the earth warmer and reduce the extent of the ozone layer.

14. Give an account of the problems that may occur as a result of global warming. 

Ans: The problems that may occur as a result of global warming: 

(i) Rise in the sea level: The first and foremost effect would be the melting action of thick layer of ice stored for millions of years in the two poles. It is estimated that the increase of global temperature even upto 2⁰-3⁰C would result in large scale ice melting in the poles causing rise in the sea level. The rise in the sea level up to a height of even 1 meter would cause submerging of 5 million km² landmass of the coastal areas and would also greatly affect many oceanic islands, coral islands, deltas, etc

(ii) Affect on agriculture: Another important effect of global warming is that it would have adverse affect on agricultural production. Many of the present food crops would not be able to withstand the increased heat and so the agricultural production would come down. This would lead to famine and poverty. 

(iii) Changes of climatic conditions: Another important consequence of global warming is that it would lead to decline in rain and unsteady climatic conditions. Forest and green covers are essential for rain. Increased heat to reduce the extent of green cover which in turn would bring about less rain. The negative impact of less rain is that it would lead to more areas becoming arid,  low agricultural production, less availability of freshwater etc.

15.Write briefly about the duties of the general people in controlling increased global warming.

Ans: The duties of the general people in controlling increase global warming are:

(i) Avoiding cutting down of trees.

(ii) Using eco-friendly modern gadget.

(iii) Reducing the use of fossil fuels such as mineral oil, natural gas, etc. 

(iv) Avoiding burning of plastic and nylon items in the open.

(v) Using public transport system more than personal vehicles.

(vi) Reducing the use of gadgets that release chlorofluorocarbons.

(vii) Controlling the high population growth rate.

(viii) Planting more and more trees wherever and whenever possible.

16. What do you mean by air pollution? What are the causes of air pollution? 

Ans: When pure air is mixed with some foreign matters, it loses some of its own properties and behaves differently. This phenomenon is known as air pollution.

The causes of air pollution are of two types:

(i) Natural causes: The natural causes of air pollution are volcanic activities, forest fires, biological decay, etc. Radioactive minerals present in the earth’s crust also cause certain level of radioactivity in the atmosphere, leading to air pollution.

(ii) Man-made causes: Man-made causes include thermal power plants, industrial units, emissions from vehicles, burning of fossil fuels, etc. Rapid expansion of industrial activities, urbanization, large scale use of different modes of transport, application of atomic energy, deforestation, etc are significant man-made activities through which air has been polluted.

17. Write the names of some greenhouse gases. 

Ans: Some of the main greenhouse gases are: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, water vapour, etc.

18. What kinds of problems may be created by air pollution?

Ans: The problems that may be created by air pollution are:

(i) Air pollutants mixing up with rain can cause high acidity in freshwater lakes. This adversely affects the aquatic life.

(ii) Air pollution can also cause long-term damage to people’s nerves, brain, kidneys, liver, and other organs. Some scientists suspect air pollutants cause birth defects also.

(iii) Air pollutants enter plants through stomata, destroy chlorophyll and affect photosynthesis.

19. How is water polluted? How can it harm?

Ans: When the freshwater becomes unfit for consumption due to admixture of some foreign ingredient, the phenomenon may be termed as water pollution. The chemical substances and the disposable waste from the industrial units and other waste product of the towns and cities make the water polluted. Use of agrochemicals like fertilizers and pesticides which are washed away by rainwater and surface run-off make the water pollutant. 

Water pollution can harm in the following ways: 

(i) Water pollution may reduce the productivity of the soil.

(ii) Pesticides in drinking water ultimately reach humans and cause various health problems.

(iii) Water pollution due to acid rain that carries Sulphur dioxide (SO2) from the atmosphere causing much damage to the aquatic flora and fauna.

(iv) Water borne diseases like cholera, dysentery, typhoid, jaundice, etc are spread by water contaminated with sewage.

20. What kinds of steps may be taken by the people for the solution of environmental problem? 

Ans: Steps may be taken by the people for the solution of environmental problems are:

(i) Less use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Encourage the use of organic manure.

(ii) Saving electricity by switching it of when not required.

(iii) Not using products that release chlorofluorocarbons which destroyed ozone layer.

(iv) Banning industrial units from dumping their wastage into rivers.

(v) Control of population growth so that that demand for various resources would remain under control.


A. Answer the following questions: 

1. Write one significant impact of global warming.

Ans: One significant impact of global warming is that it would effect the melting action of thick layers of ice stored for millions of years in the two poles. The increase of global temperature even upto 2⁰-3⁰C would result in large scale ice melting in the poles causing rise in the sea level.

2. What are the major greenhouse gases? 

Ans: The major greenhouse gases are: Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, Chloro Fluoro-Carbons, Water vapour, etc

3. How many main components of the environment are there? Name them.

Ans: There are four main components of the environment. They are: Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Biosphere.

4. What is acid rain?

Ans: The phenomena in which sulphuric acid and nitric acid are formed into the atmosphere due to the reaction of raindrops with atmospheric gases like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide is termed as acid rain.

5. Write a note on water pollution.

Ans: When the freshwater becomes unfit for consumption due to admixture of some foreign ingredient, the phenomenon maybe known as water pollution. It has been observed that the water of rivers, lakes and even the saline water of the sea and ocean are being polluted. There are different factors for water pollution some of the major factors are industrial waste, agriculture fields using chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides, extraction of mineral resources, disposal of waste products, etc. Water pollution causes disease to humans like Cholera, dysentery, typhoid, jaundice, etc are spread by water contaminated with sewage. We can control water pollution in many ways. One example is the industrial wastes must be treated before they are discharged into water bodies.

6. What do you mean by biotic environment? 

Ans: The environment which consists of living organisms including plants, animals, human and all the microorganisms is known as biotic environment.

7. Define Biosphere.

Ans: The layer of the earth that contains life including all living organisms that live in the Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere is known as biosphere.

B. Fill in the blanks:

1. The components of the global environment are within ____ specific zones.

Ans: four.

2. ____ and ____ are the fragmented parts of rocks.

Ans: Sand particles, soil.

3. ____ consists of all the water bodies over the earth’s surface.

Ans: Hydrosphere.

4. Land, water and air together make the _____.

Ans: Abiotic Environment.

5. The atmosphere is extended upto a height of about ____ km.

Ans: 480.

6. The ____ absorbs 19% of the sun’s heat.

Ans: Atmosphere.

7. The most abundant gas present in the atmosphere is ____.

Ans: Nitrogen.

8. The common animals of the polar regions are ___, ____ and _____.

Ans: White reindeer, polar bear and penguins.

9. Mangrove forests are found in the ____ regions in India.

Ans: Sunderban delta.

10. The type of soil found in the river valleys is _____.

Ans: Alluvial soil.

11. The temperature at the centre of the earth is estimated to be _____.

Ans: 4500⁰C.

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