SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 1 Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism

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SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 1 Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism

Today’s We have Shared in This Post Very Short Extra Questions for SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 1 Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism with you. NCERT Class 10 History Multiple Choice Questions and Answers I Hope, you Liked The information About The ICSE Class 10 History Important Notes. If you liked SEBA Class 10 History Textbook Additional Questions and Answers Then Please Do Share this Post With your Friends as Well.

Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism


Answer the Following Questions:

1. What factors led to the proclamation of the ‘Open Door Policy’ by the United States of America with respect to China?

Ans. By the beginning of the 19th century, the United States of America had become the most important international power. The center of world politics had shifted from Europe to America. America had acquired considerable possessions in the Far East. Taking advantage of the weakness of the Manchu regime, the European powers had already parceled out China into their respective spheres of influence and converted her into virtual colonies. With the rising power of Japan, there was a possibility of China getting controlled by Japan. This possibility became almost a certainty after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95. However, America did not want China to be conquered by Japan.

Another event that forced America to advocate the ‘Open Door Policy’ in China was the Boxer Rebellion. The Chinese society was much affected by the opium trade conducted by the Europeans and therefore a series of rebellion under the aegis of ‘Righteous Fraternity of Fist-Fighters’, known as the ‘Boxer Rebellion’ broke out in 1898-1900. But due to the combined offense by France, England, Germany, Italy, Russia and Japan, the Boxer Rebellion failed to expel the foreigners from the Chinese soil. In December 1901, the Manchu government entered into an agreement with the foreign powers by which they surrendered to the foreign powers, all the towns and cities situated on the entire area from Peking to the Yellow Sea. They had to pay a huge war indemnity to the imperialist powers. By the beginning of the 20th century, there was heavy mobilization of foreign forces in China on the pretext of protecting their interests.

Thus, there was every possibility that the foreign powers in the pretext of protecting their interests might occupy China. It was in this backdrop that the United States of America advocated the policy named the ‘Open Door Policy’ regarding trade and commerce in China by all countries. Under this plan, China came to be divided into various zones under different colonial and imperialist countries of the world. The European countries agreed mutually not to occupy any part of China, but rather allow every country to trade with China in their sphere of influence. This process came to be known as ‘the cutting of the Chinese melon’. This policy was initiated and developed by John Hay, the Foreign Secretary of the United States of America in September, 1899. The powers also agreed to maintain the territorial integrity and national security of China. This maintenance of the open door policy over China enhanced the international position of the United States of America and she began to play a very crucial role in the international politics of the region.

2. Write short notes on:

(i) Opium Wars.

(ii) Boxer Rebellion.

Ans: (i) Opium Wars: Despite the Chinese government banning opium trade in the country in 1800, the English merchants with the support of the local Chinese officials continued to smuggle opium into China. This resulted in the First Opium War (1840-42) between the Chinese and the British. The war ended with the victory of the Great Britain in 1842 by the Treaty of Nanking. By this Treaty, five more ports were open to European trade.

The Second Opium War (1856-58) was fought by the combined forces of England and France against the Chinese. France wanted to avenge the murder of a French missionary while the moral indignation of the British was excited because a Chinese official seized the crew of a ship which was flying British flag. These two events were enough for France and England to declare war on China in 1856 which resulted in the Second Opium War. Once again, the war ended in the utter defeat of the Chinese who were forced to sign the humiliating Treaty of Tientsin in 1858 by which China was forced to open eleven more sea ports for European trade. The Chinese government also had to pay a huge war reparation to England and France.

(ii) Boxer Rebellion: The Anti-foreign movement led by a secret society named the ‘Righteous Fraternity of Fist-Fighters’ better known as Boxers in China in 1898 came to be known as the Boxer Rebellion. The main causes for the rebellion were the forceful demarcation of China into spheres of influences, the subsequent exploitation and looting of China by the Europeans, certain activities of the Christian missionaries, etc. The movement reached its climax in 1900 and received active support from Dowager empress Tzu His, the ruler of China at that time. The rebellion had serious consequences. As a result of the rebellion, the Manchu government entered into an agreement with the foreign powers in 1901, by which they surrendered all the towns and cities situated in the entire area from Peking to the Yellow Sea to the foreign powers. They had to pay a huge reparation to the imperialist powers. By the beginning of the 20th century, there was heavy mobilization of foreign forces in China on the pretext of protecting their interests and there was every possibility that might occupy China. It was in this backdrop that the United States of America advocated the ‘Open Door Policy’ regarding to trade and commerce in China by different countries.

Chapter – 1Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism
Chapter – 2The First World War
Chapter – 3The World Between The Two World Wars
Chapter – 4The Second World War
Chapter – 5The United Nations Organization
Chapter – 6Emergence Of Asia And Africa In The Post-Second World War Period
Chapter – 7The Non-Aligned Movement
Chapter – 8Foreign Policy Of India

Choose the correct option

(i) The number of British colonies that existed in America at the time of American War of Independence was ______________.

(a) 10.

(b) 15

(c) 16.

(d) 13.

Ans. (d) 13

(ii) The event that is considered to be the dividing line between medieval period and the modern age is ______________.

(a) Establishment of Eastern Roman Empire.

(b) Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus.

(c) Capture of Constantinople by the Turks.

(d) Discovery of steam engine.

Ans. (c) Capture of Constantinople by the Turks.

(iii) The Boer War that took place in South Africa was fought mainly between ______________.

(a) The British and the Dutch settlers.

(b) The French and the Dutch settlers.

(c) The British and the local Africans.

(d) The British and the other European powers.

Ans. (a) The British and the Dutch settlers.

(iv) The ancient city considered to be the ‘Queen of Cities’ was ____________.

(a) Antioch.

(b) Baghdad.

(c) Constantinople.

(d) Alexandria.

Ans. (c) Constantinople.

(v) The country that took the lead in geographical explorations was ____________.

(a) England.

(b) Spain.

(c) France.

(d) Portugal.

Ans. (d) Portugal

(vi) The Panama Canal was opened for service in ____________.

(a) 1914.

(b) 1916.

(c) 1915.

(d) 1910.

Ans. (a) 1914.

(vii) Andrew Carnegie is associated with ____________.

(a) Steel production.

(b) Oil production.

(c) Investment in the financial sector.

(d) Development of motion picture.

Ans. (a) steel production.

(viii) Cuba was colonized by _____________.

(a) France.

(b) Spain.

(c) England.

(d) Holland.

Ans. (d) Holland

Fill in the blanks:

(i) ____________ was the first navigator to go round the world.

Ans. Ferdinand Magellan.

(ii) The _____________ initially started the slave trade.

Ans. Portuguese.

(iii) _____________ was the capital of Dutch colonies in the east.

Ans. Batavia.

(iv) _____________ was the first Portuguese Viceroy of India.

Ans. Francisco da Almeida.

(v) The Suez Canal opened for service in 1869 linked the Mediterranean Sea with the ___________.

Ans. Red Sea.

Match the following:

Column AColumn B
(i) The man who discovered Australia(a) Sydney
(ii) The man who invented electricity(b) William Rockefeller
(iii) The man who framed the ‘Open Door Policy’(c) Pizarro
(iv) The man who discovered the Inca Civilization(d) Taiwan
(v) The founder of the Standard Oil Company(e) Thomas Alva Edison
(vi) The last dynasty to rule China(f) Constantinople
(vii) The new name of the island of Formosa(g) John Hay
(viii) The Australian city formerly called Botany Bay(h) Captain Cook
(ix) The Queen of cities(i) New Spain
(x) The former name of Mexico(j) Manchu


Column AColumn B
(i) The man who discovered Australia(h) Captain Cook
(ii) The man who invented electricity(e) Thomas Alva Edison
(iii) The man who framed the ‘Open Door Policy’(g) John Hay
(iv) The man who discovered the Inca Civilization(c) Pizarro
(v) The founder of the Standard Oil Company(b) William Rockefelle
(vi) The last dynasty to rule China(j) Manchu
(vii) The new name of the island of Formosa(d) Taiwan
(viii) The Australian city formerly called Botany Bay(a) Sydney
(ix) The Queen of cities(f) Constantinople
(x) The former name of Mexico(i) New Spain

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