SEBA Class 9 Elective Geography Chapter 3 Population Growth and Distribution

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SEBA Class 9 Elective Geography Chapter 3 Population Growth and Distribution

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Population Growth and Distribution


1. Write about the trend of population growth in the world. Why and during which period was the population growth rate high?

Ans. The size of the world’s population was very small in the initial stage of human settlement on earth. The world population about ten thousand years ago or about 8000 B.C. seems to have been around 8 million. The main reason for such a low population level during this period was the large-scale deaths as man did not have the capacity to overcome the frequently- occurring famines and epidemics. However, with the beginning of settled agriculture, the supply of food items became better and hence population started increasing. As a result, the world’s population reached around 200 million by the beginning of the Christian era.

The population continued to expand in the medieval and beginning of the modern period due to expansion of agriculture, awareness of health problems, improvement in the standard of living and availability of improved medicines. The world’s population increased over 1 billion (1000 million) in the beginning of 19th century (1808).In the next subsequent 200 years (from 1808 to 2008) the world population increased by seven times to reach around 7 billion (7000 million) in 2011.

However, it is to be noted that there was a rapid increase of population from 1950 to 2000 as never before. The world population seem to have increased from 250 crores in 1950 to 600 crores in 2000, i.e. 350 crores within 50 years against a growth of 150 crores within a long period of 150 years during 1800-1950. The main factors responsible for this phenomenon were certainty in food supply, rise in the standard of living and advancement in medical science and health care.

2. What is the estimate of world population? State the major reasons of spatial variation in population growth. 

Ans. According to the United Nations estimate, the world’s population reached 7 billion mark on 31st October, 2011. If the rising trend in world population continues at the present rate, it is estimated to cross 8 billion in 2025 and 9.5 billion in 2050. One of the most noticeable features of the world’s population is the spatial variation in population growth. In other words, the growth of population varies from place to place and from time to time.

The factors responsible for this spatial variation in the population growth are: 

(i) Improvement in standard of living: As the standard of living improves, people tend to have less number of children as they become aware that larger families would require greater expenditure. Therefore, people with higher income tend to have less number of children. 

(ii) Developments in agricultural sector: Easy availability and better access to quality food grains brings down the death rate among children which increases the population growth rate of a region. 

(iii) Developments in medical science: Advancements in medical science leading to better medical care and improved medicines has boosted the life expectancy of people all over the world. Today people are more aware of the causes of diseases and illness and some kind of precaution and prevention are taken by most of the people to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

(iv) Economic development: The industrially and economically developed countries such as USA, UK, Canada, etc. have low population growth due to high economic development. Low economic development brings about high population growth as poor people tend to have large families due to lack of knowledge.

(v) Improvement in education: Population growth comes down with improvement in education. e.g. the state of Kerala, which has a very high mass literacy rate among the states of India, has low population.

3. Give a picture of regional variation in population growth in present time in the world. 

Ans. There is a marked difference in the population growth as well as in the rate of growth between developed and developing countries. During the period 1750-1950, the average annual rate of population in the developed countries was much higher (0.8 per cent) as compared to developing countries (0.5 per cent).

However, the growth rate of population changed during 1950-1970. During this twenty years, population growth rate of developed countries became 1.1 per cent while that of developing countries it was 2.2 per cent.

A great deal of variation is also seen in the growth rate of population during the period 1750-1850 at the continental level. During the period 1750-1850, the growth rate in Africa was as low as 0.05 per cent as compared to Europe (0.53 per cent). During the period 1950-2000, the growth rate in Africa changed to a great extent, i.e. 2.55 per cent and 0.6 per cent in Europe. On the other hand, this period witnessed very high growth rate in Central and South America where the population grew by 2.6 per cent. Again, during this period, the highest population growth was seen in Asia. The population of Asia increased from 502 million to 3680 million while during this period population increase in North America was from 2 million to 316 million.

4. Write about population distribution in the world and state the major factors of unevenness in the distribution. 

Ans. One of the most noticeable features of world population is the divergence in the size and distribution of population in the world. It varies from place to place and from continent to continent. According to UN estimate, world population consisted of 697 crores (approx) in 2010. Out of this, 61 per cent (425 crore approx) was contributed by Asia while Africa’s contribution was 14.7% (102 crore approx). Europe’s share in the world population in 2010 was 10.5% (73 crores approx). North America contributed about 5 % (35 crore approx) while South and Central America contributed 8.3 % (58 crores approx). Oceania’s share was as low as 0.5% (3.6 crore approx).

There is also a marked difference in the population distribution between developed and developing countries as per the estimation of 2010. Nearly 18.4 per cent of the world’s population today lives in the developed countries such as USA, UK, Canada, etc. while the remaining share of 81.6 per cent lives in the developing and under-developing countries of the world. Besides, about 20 per cent of world’s population is found in China, the most populous country in the world while India, the second most populated country in the world, contributes about 17 per cent to the world population.

This unevenness in population distribution is caused by the following factors: 

(i) Climate.

(ii) Topography.

(iii) Soil.

(iv) Power and mineral resources.

(v) Transport system.

(vi) Socio-economic conditions.

5. Discuss with examples about the role of topography and climate in population distribution. 

Ans. The role of topography and climate in population distribution are: 

(i) Topography: The nature of the land has a great impact on human settlement. People tend to settle down in the plains than in the hilly areas because agricultural operation is difficult in the hilly terrains. Movement of people, transport of goods, establishment of factories, etc. in the hilly region pose a lot of problems. Hence, such regions have very limited population. On the other hand, riverine valleys are thickly populated due to the high possibility of agriculture. Therefore, the states situated in the Himalayan region of India such as Arunachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, etc. are less populated than states such as Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar, Assam etc, which are situated in the plains.

(ii) Climate: The various aspects of climate such as temperature, rainfall, humidity, etc. greatly influence human settlement. This is because agriculture requires favourable temperature and adequate rainfall. Without agriculture human beings cannot live in a place. Therefore, areas with extreme temperature such as Tundra region or Arctic region, the desert regions, the hot equatorial forest region, etc, have very little human settlement. The main reason for the high population found in south Asia and south-east Asia is the moderate temperature and adequate rainfall that this region experiences.

6. Stating the major densely populated regions of the world, briefly discuss their geographical characteristics. 

Ans. The most densely thickly populated regions in the world are:

(i) Asia.

(ii) South Asia. 

(iii) Western European.

(iv) North-eastern coastal plains of USA. 

The geographical characteristics making these regions densely thickly populated are: 

(i) These regions mostly consist of plain land which encourages development of agriculture, establishment of industries and easy human settlement.

(ii) These regions get adequate rainfall that encourages excellent agriculture in the region. 

(iii) The temperature in these regions is ideal for living and working.

(iv) These regions being plain area and close to the sea coast are noted for the fertility of the soil which boosts agriculture, development of good transport system, etc. 

(v) These regions are well connected by roadways, airways, waterways and railways.

7. What are the major thinly populated regions of the world? What are the main reasons behind thin population in those areas?

Ans. The major thinly populated regions of the world are: 

(i) Tundra region of North America and Europe.

(ii) Hot desert regions of Sahara, Kalahari, Gobi, Thar, etc.

(iii) Equatorial forest region. 

(iv) High mountain regions of the Himalayas, Rockies, and Andes mountain systems.

The major reasons for the low population in the above-mentioned regions are:

(i) Infertile soil.

(ii) Extreme heat or extreme cold climate.

(iii) Low rainfall or high rainfall.

(iv) Hilly terrain.

(v) Lack of adequate transport and communication network.

(vi) Low economic development.

(vii) Presence of thick forest.

8. What do you mean by “human migration”? What are its major types?

Ans. Human migration is the phenomenon of movement of a person or a group of people to a new place by leaving their place of residence for a considerable long period of time due to certain advantages.

The major types of human migration are:

(a) On the basis of distance: Short distance, long distance, internal and international migration.

(b) On the basis of time: Short-term, long-term, seasonal permanent and temporary migration.

(c) On the basis of reasons: Economic migration, social migration, political migration, religious migration, etc.

9. Write briefly why ‘human migration’ takes place.

Ans. The major reasons for human migration are:

(i) Lack of employment opportunities.

(ii) Poor educational facilities.

(iii) Low economic development.

(iv) Religious persecution.

(v) Political chaos and anarchy.

(vi) Social and communal violence.

(vii) Partition of the country.

(viii) Internal and external wars.

(ix) Frequent natural calamities.

10. State the push and pull factors of human migration. 

Ans. The major factors of human migration are:

[I] Push factors: The factors that force people to migrate from their place of residence to other areas are known as push factors.

The main push factors are:

(i) Lack of employment.

(ii) Lack of educational facilities.

(iii) Low economic development.

(iv) Communal disharmony.

(v) Political troubles.

(vi) Unfavourable climatic conditions. 

(vii) Frequent occurrence of natural calamities.

[II] Pull factors: The factors that attract people to a new place encouraging them to settle down in the new place are known as pull factors. 

The main pull factors are:

(i) Good employment opportunities.

(ii) Excellent educational facilities.

(iii) Political stability.

(iv) Favourable climatic conditions.

(v) High economic development.

(vi) Social harmony and peace.

(vii) Good transport and communication facilities.

11. What do you mean by international migration? Write briefly about the causes and consequences of the international migrations with examples.

Ans. When migration takes place from one country to another for the purpose of education, job, settlement, etc. it is known as international migration.

The main causes for international migration are:

(i) Educational purposes. 

(ii) Better job opportunities.

(iii) Good economic development of the place. 

(iv) Religious persecution.

(v) Political chaos and anarchy.

(vi) Social and communal violence.

(vii) Partition of the country.

(viii) Internal and external wars.

(ix) Frequent natural calamities.

e.g. the partition of India in August 1947 led to more than 15-20 million people migrate being refugees. After creation of Israel in 1948 about 2 million people of Palestine migrated to different parts of the Arab world. When the Chinese invaded Tibet in 1950, hundreds of Tibetans fled to India. Prior to the Bangladesh War of 1971 thousands of Muslims migrated to Assam and West Bengal to escape from the persecution of the rulers of West Pakistan. Both the First World War (1914-1919) and the Second World War (1939-1945) caused the displacement of thousands of people all over the world particularly in Europe and south and south-east Asia.

Write short notes:

(a) Population explosion.

Ans. The rapid increase of population taking place in the world is known as population explosion. During 1950-2000, world population explosion occurred in which the population suddenly increased from 250 crores in 1950 to 600 crores in 2000 bringing about an increase of 350 crores within a period of 50 years against the growth of 150 crores within a long period of 150 years during 1800-1950. The main factors responsible for this phenomenon were rapid increase in food supply, rise in the standard of living, advancement in medical science and health care, etc. 

(b) Density of population.

Ans. Density of population means the number of persons living in per area. Density of population is obtained by dividing the total population of an area by the total area. World’s density of population in 2010 was around 47 persons per The density of population varies from country to country. e.g. Bangladesh has the highest density of population with 1,046 persons per On the other hand, India’s density of population in 2010 was around 378 persons per

(c) Internal migration.

Ans. When migration takes place within one’s country, it is called intranational or internal migration. It can occur from one state to another state, or from one district to another, or from one place to another place within the same district.

This can take place in the following four directions:

(i) from village to town.

(ii) from town to village.

(iii) from town to town.

(iv) from village to village.

The main causes for internal migration are availability of better educational facilities, formation of new states, religious persecution, political instability, communal disharmony, natural calamities, economic development, better employment opportunities, etc.

(d) International migration.

Ans. When migration takes place from one country to another for the purpose of education, job, settlement, etc. it is known as international migration. The largest international migration took place from the seventeenth to mid-nineteenth century. More than 10 crore people migrated from Europe to countries such as USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc. The main causes for international migration are possibilities of job and peaceful existence, economic development, religious persecution, political instability, civil war, international war, partition of the country, frequent natural calamities, etc.

(e) Pull factors of human migration.

Ans. Student Do Yourself.

(f) Push factors of human migration.

Ans. Student Do Yourself.

(g) Bangladesh-India population migration.

Ans. A large number of people from east Pakistan migrated to Assam in the late 1960s and early 1970s due to India’s partition in 1947 and Pakistan’s partition in 1971. Even after the creation of Bangladesh, after the Bangladesh War of 1971 the migration of people to India continued as hundreds were displaced as a result of the war Other factors that caused this migration were easy availablity of agricultural land and better economic opportunities in the state of Assam. Since Assam had a porous border with Bangladesh, hundreds of Muslims migrated to the state without much difficulty. This sudden influx of foreigners into the state profoundly changed the state’s demography, social balance and economic conditions.

13. State the reasons behind variation in population density in your locality.

Ans. Student Do Yourself.

14. Choose the correct answer: 

(a) In which year world had a population of about 1 billion?

(i) In 1950

(ii) In 1808

(iii) In 1908

(iv) In 1008

Ans. (ii) In 1808.

(b) What is the main reason of world population growth?

(i) Increase in birth rate.

(ii) Decrease in death rate.

(iii) Decrease in death rate compared to birth rate.

(iv) Migration.

Ans. (i) Increase in birth rate.

(c) Which is the least populous continent in the world?

(i) Africa.

(ii) Oceania.

(iii) Europe.

(iv) South America.

Ans. (ii) Oceania.

(d) Among the following countries which one has the highest population density?

(i) Japan.

(ii) India.

(iii) Bangladesh.

(iv) Indonesia.

Ans. (iii) Bangladesh.

15. With guidance of teacher collect data about number of births and deaths from at least 30 houses in your village or hamlet and prepare a table. Find out the main factors of population distribution. State the reasons of uneven distribution of population in your area. 

Ans. Student Do Yourself.

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