Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4 A truly Beautiful Mind

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Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4 A truly Beautiful Mind

Bengali Medium Solutions by Roy Library helps students understand the literature lessons in the textbook. NCERT English Notes Class 9 Beehive, The sole purpose of the solutions is to assist students in learning the language easily. SEBA Class 9 English Solutions, Gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. NCERT Class 9 English Book PDF. The experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. SCERT Class 9 English Beehive Notes PDF will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. NCERT Class 9 English Notes PDF, Provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the Assam SEBA Board Class 9 English Suggestion. Class 9 English Syllabus are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.

A truly Beautiful Mind


TEXTUAL QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (অনুশীলনীর প্রশ্নোত্তর)

THINKING ABOUT THE TEXT: (গ্রন্থের মূল পাঠ সম্বন্ধে ভাবো)

Q.1. Here are some headings for paragraphs in the text. Write the number(s) of the paragraph(s) for each title against the heading. The first one is done for you. – এখানে পাঠের অনুচ্ছেদে কিছু শিরোনাম আছে। প্রত্যেক শিরোনামের পাশে অনুচ্ছেদের নম্বরগুলি লেখো। প্রথমটি তোমাদের জন্য করে দেওয়া হল।

(i) Einstein’s equation.

(ii) Einstein meets his future wife.

(iii) The making of a violinist.

(iv) Mileva and Einstein’s mother.

(v) A letter that launched the arms race.

(vi) A desk drawer full of ideas.

(vii) Marriage and divorce.

Ans. (i) 9

(ii) 7

(iii) 3

(iv) 10

(v) 14

(vi) 8

(vii) 11

Q.2. Who had these opinions about Einstein? – আইনস্টাইন সম্বন্ধে ধারণাগুলি কাদের ছিল?

(i) He was boring.

Ans. His playmates.

(ii) He was stupid and would never succeed in life.

Ans. A headmaster.

(iii) He was a freak.

Ans. His mother.

Q.3. Explain what the reasons for the following are. – নীচের অংশের কারণগুলি বর্ণনা করো।

(i) Einstein leaving the school in Munich for good.

Ans. Einstein left the school in Munich because he did not like the discipline of the school. He hated the school’s regimentation and often clashed with teachers.

(ii) Einstein wanting to study in Switzerland rather than in Munich.

Ans.Albert’s parents moved to Milan and left their son with relatives. After prolonged discussion, Einstein got his wish to continue his education in German – speaking Switzerland.

(iii) Einstein seeing in Mileva an ally.

Ans.Einstein saw in Mileva Marie an ally against the “Philistines”- those people in his family and at the university with whom he was constantly at odds. He found that she s “clever creature”.

(iv) What do these tell you about Einstein?

Ans. These tell that Einstein was a genius and had the capabilities to achieve his targets. He knew how to achieve greatness in the world of science and technology.

Q.4. What did Einstein call his desk drawer at the patent  office? Why? — আইনস্টাইন তাঁর পেটেন্ট অফিসের দেরাজকে কী বলতেন? কেন?

Ans. Einstein called his desk drawer at the patent office the “bureau of theoretical physics”. Einstein was actually developing his own ideas in secret and his drawer had all the evidences which could reveal the secret.

Q.5. Why did Einstein write a letter to Franklin Roosevelt? — আইনস্টাইন কেন ফ্রাঙ্কলিন রুজভেল্টকে পত্র লিখেছিলেন।

Ans. With the emergence of Nazis in Germany, Einstein emigrated to the United states. It was the fact that the Nazis had the ability to develop the atomic bomb. It could destroy the whole world. So he warned Franklin D. Roosevelt in his letter.

Q.6. How did Einstein react to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? -হিরোশিমা এবং নাগাসাকিতে বোমাবর্ষণে আইনস্টাইনের কী প্রতিক্রিয়া হয়েছিল?

Ans. The atomic bomb devastated the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He was deeply shaken by the extent of the destruction and wrote a public missive to the United Nations.

Q.7. Why does the world remember Einstein as a ‘world tizen’? – পৃথিবী কেন আইনস্টাইনকে ‘বিশ্বনাগরিক’ হিসেবে স্মরণ করে?

Ans. The world remembers Einstein as a ‘world citizen’ because he believed in universal peace. When there was the ratrace for becoming atomic power, he was worried about the aftermaths of the bomb. He was really a world citizen who was concerned to humanity.

Chapter – 1The Fun They Hed 
Chapter – 2The Sound Of Music 
Chapter – 3The Little Girl
Chapter – 4A Truly Beautiful Mind
Chapter – 5The Snake And The Mirror
Chapter – 6My Childhood
Chapter – 7Packing
Chapter – 8Reach For The Top
Chapter – 9The Bond Of Love
Chapter – 10Kathmandu
Chapter – 11If I Were You
Chapter – 12The Green Revolution And Save The Seeds Movement
Chapter – 13Trees
Chapter – 14Mirror
Chapter – 15Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening
Chapter – 1The Road Not Taken
Chapter – 2Wind
Chapter – 3Rain On The Roof
Chapter – 4The Lake Isle Of Innisfree
Chapter – 5A Legend Of The Northland
Chapter – 6No Men Are Foreign
Chapter – 7The Duck And The Kangaroo
Chapter – 8On Killing A Tree
Chapter – 9The Snake Tring
Chapter – 10A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal
Chapter – 1The Lost Child
Chapter – 2The Adventures Of Toto
Chapter – 3Iswaran The Storyteller
Chapter – 4In The Kingdom Of Fools
Chapter – 5The Happy Prince
Chapter – 6Weathering The Storm In Ersama
Chapter – 7The Last Leaf
Chapter – 8A House Is Not A Home
Chapter – 9The Accidental Tourist
Chapter – 10The Beggar
Chapter – 11A Visit To Kaziranga And Sivasagar

Q. 8. Here are some facts from Einstein’s life. Arrange them in chronological order. – এখানে আইনস্টাইনের জীবনের কিছু ঘটনা দেওয়া আছে। তাদের সঠিক পর্যায়ে সাজাও।

[i] Einstein publishes his special theory of relativity.

[ii] He is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

[iii] Einstein writes a letter to U.S. President, Franklin D.

Roosevelt, and warns against Germany’s building of an atomic bomb.

[iv] Einstein attends a high school in Munich.

[v] Einstein’s family moves to Milan.

[vi] Einstein is born in the German city of Ulm.

[vii] Einstein joins a University in Zurich, where he meets Mileva.

[viii] Einstein dies.

[ix] He provides a new interpretation of gravity.

[x] Tired of the school’s regimentation, Einstein withdraws from school.

[xi] He works in a patent office as a technical expert.

[xii] When Hitler comes to power, Einstein leaves Germany for the United States.

Ans. [i] Einstein is born in the erman city of Ulm.

[ii] Einstein attends a high school in Munich.

[iii] Einstein’s family moves to Milan.

[iv] Tired of the school’s regimentation, Einstein withdraws from school.

[v] Einstein joins a University in Zurich where he meets Mileva.

[vi] He works in a patent office as a technical expert.

[vii] Einstein publishes his special theory of relativity.

[viii] He provides a new interpretation of the centre of gravitation.

[ix] He is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

[x] When Hitler comes to power, Einstein leaves Germany for the United States.

[xi] Einstein writes a letter to U.S. President, Franklin D. Roosevelt and warns against Germany’s building of an an atomic bomb.

[xii] Einstein dies.


Q. 1. Here are some sentences from the story. Choose the word from the brackets which can be substituted for the italicised words in the sentences. – এখানে গল্পের কিছু বাক্য দেওয়া আছে । বন্ধনীর মধ্যে থেকে শব্দ চয়ন করে বাক্যের অন্তর্গত বাঁকা হরফের জায়গায় বসাও।

1. A few years later, the marriage faltered. (failed, broke, became weak)

Ans. failed.

2. Einstein was constantly at odds with people at the university. (on bad terms, in disagreement, unhappy)

Ans. in disagreement,

3. The newspapers proclaimed his work as “a scientific revolution”. (declared, praised, showed)

Ans. declared.

4. Einstein got ever more involved in politics, agitating for an end to the arms buildup, (campaigning, fighting, supporting)

Ans. Campaigning.

5. At the age of 15, Einstein felt so stifled that he left the school for good. (permanently, for his benefit, for a short time)

Ans. permanently.

6. Five years later, the discovery of nuclear fission in Berlin had American physicists in an uproar. (in a state of commotion, full of criticism, in a desperate state)

Ans. in a state of commotion.

7. Science wasn’t the only thing that appealed to the dashing young man with the walrus moustache, (interested, challenged, worried)

Ans. interested.

Q. II. Study the following sentences: – নীচের বাক্যগুলি পড়ো:

• Einstein became a gifted amateur violinist, maintaining this skill throughout his life.

• Letters survive in which they put their affection into words, mixing science with tenderness.

The parts in italics in the above sentences begin with ing verbs, and are called participial phrases. Participial phrases say something more about the person or thing talked about or the idea expressed by the sentence as a whole.

For example:- Einstein became a gifted amateur violinist. He maintained  this skill throughout his life.

Complete the sentences below by filling in the blanks with suitable participial clauses. – নীচের বাক্যগুলির শূন্যস্থানে উপযুক্ত ক্রিয়াপদমূলক উপবাক্য বসাও ।

The information that has to be used in the phrases is provided as a sentence in brackets.

1.______, the firefighters finally put out the fire. (They worked round the clock.)

Ans. Working round the clock the firefighters finally put out the fire.

2. She watched the sunset above the mountain, _______(she noticed the colours blending softly into one another.)

Ans. Noticing the colours blending softly into one another she watched the sunset above the mountain.

3. The excited horse pawed the ground rapidly, ______ (while it neighed continually.)

Ans. Negging continually the excited horse pawed the ground rapidly.

4. _______, I found myself in Bangalore, instead of Benaras. (I had taken the wrong train.)

Ans. Having taken the wrong train I found myself in Bangalore instead of Benaras.

5. __________, was desperate to get to the bathroom. (I had not bathed for two days)

Ans. Having not bathed for two days I was desperate to get to the bathroom.

6. The stone steps, ________ needed to be replaced. (They were worn down).

Ans. The stone steps being worn down needed to be replaced.

7. The actor received hundreds of letters from his fans, _______ (They asked him to send them his photograph.)

Ans. The actor received hundreds of letters from his fans asking him to send them his photograph.

WRITING NEWSPAPER REPORTS – সংবাদপত্রে সংবাদ লিখন:

Here are some notes which you could use to write a report. 21 August 2005 – original handwritten manuscript of Albert Einstein unearthed – by student Rowdy Boeynik in the University of Netherlands – Boeynik researching papers -papers belonging to an old friend of Einstein-fingerprints of Einstein on these papers -16 page document dated 1924 – Einstein’s work on this last theory – behaviour of atoms at low temperature – now known as the Bose – Einstein condensation – the manuscript to be kept at Leyden University where Einstein got the Nobel Prize.

Write a report which has four paragraphs, one each on:

• what was unearthed.

• who unearthed it and when.

• what the document contained

• where it will be kept.

Your report could begin like this:

Student Unearths Einstein Manuscript

21 August 2005. An original handwritten Albert Einstein manuscript has been unearthed at a University in the Netherlands by a student named Rowdy Boeynik. The document contained papers belonging to Einstein’s old friend 

that had Einstein’s fingerprints. It was a sixteen page document. It had Einstein’s work on the last theory – Behaviour of Atoms at Low Temperature. Nowadays it is known as the Bose – Einstein Condensation. The manuscript will be kept at Leyden University where Einstein got the Nobel Prize.


Your teacher will dictate these paragraphs to you. Write down the paragraphs with correct punctuation marks.

In 1931 Charlie Chaplin invited Albert Einstein, who was Visiting Hollywood, to a private screening of his new film, city 

Lights. As the two men drove into town together. passersby waved and cheered. Chaplin turned to his guest and explained: 

‘The people are applauding you because none of them understands you and applauding me because everybody understands me.

One of Einstein’s colleagues asked him for his telephone number one day. Einstein reached for a telephone directory and looked it up. “You don’t remember your own number?” the man asked, startled.

“No, Einstein answered. Why should I memorise something I can so easily get from a book?” (In fact, Einstein claimed never to memorise anything which could be looked up in less than two minutes.)

Ans. In 1931 Charlie Chaplin invited Albert Einstein, who was visiting Hollywood, to a private screening of his new film, “City Lights”. As the two men drove into town together, passers – by waved and cheered. Chaplin turned to his guest and explained: “The people are applauding you because none of them understands you and applauding me because everybody understands me.

One of Einstein’s colleagues asked him for his telephone number one day. Einstein reached for a telephone directory and looked it up. “You don’t remember your own number?” the man asked, startled.

“No”, Einstein answered. Why should I memorise something I can so easily get from a book?” (In fact, Einstein Claimed never to memorise anything which could be looked up in less than two minutes.

ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (অতিরিক্ত প্রশ্নোত্তর)

I. SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS — সংক্ষিপ্ত উত্তরভিত্তিক প্রশ্ন:

Q.1. Why didn’t Einstein’s playmates like him? – আইনস্টাইনের সহপাঠীরা কেন তাঁকে পছন্দ করত না?

Ans. When Einstein was two-and-a-half years old, he still wasn’t talking. When he finally learnt to speak, he spoke everything twice. His playmates called him ‘Brother Boring ‘.So Einstein played by himself much of the time.

Q.2. What was the headmaster’s opinion about  Einstein? – আইনস্টাইন সম্বন্ধে প্রধানশিক্ষকের মতামত কী ছিল?

Ans. During childhood, Einstein was sent to school. There he failed to show any sign of progress in his studies. The 

headmaster too had a poor opinion of him. He told Einstein’s father that he would never make a success at anything.

Q.3. Why did Einstein leave school for good? – আইনস্টাইন কেন বিদ্যালয় ছেড়েছিলেন?

Ans. Einstein was not a bad pupil. He went to High School in Munich. When he was 15 months old his family had moved there. He scored good marks in almost every subject. But he hated the school’s regimentation. He often clashed with his teachers. At the age of 16, he felt so stifled that he left school forever.

Q.4. Why did Einstein have special interest in Mileva Marie? – মিলেভা মেরিক-এর প্রতি কেন আইনস্টাইন বিশেষ আকর্ষণ বোধ করেছিলেন?

Ans. Einstein found Mileva Marie a “clever creature”. This young serb had come to Switzerland because the university in Zurich was one of the few in Europe where women could get degrees. Einstein saw in her an ally against the “philistines” – Those people in his family and at the university with whom he was constantly at odds. That is why Einstein had a special interest in her.

Q.5. What was Einstein’s Theory of Relativity? – আইনস্টাইনের আপেক্ষিকতাবাদ তত্ত্ব কী ছিল?

Ans. According to Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, time and distance were not absolute. In fact, two perfectly accurate clocks will not continue to show the same time if they come together again after a journey if one of them had been moving very fast relative to the other.

Q.6. Why was Einstein’s mother against his marriage with Mileva? – আইনস্টাইনের মা মিলেভার সঙ্গে তাঁর বিয়েতে বিপক্ষে ছিলেন কেন?

Ans. Albert wanted to marry Mileva right after finishing his studies. But his mother was against it. She thought Mileva, who was three years older than Einstein, was too old for.him. She was also bothered by Mileva’s intelligence. Einstein’s mother said, “she is a book like you.” Einstein put the wedding off.

II. LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS – দীর্ঘ উত্তরভিত্তিক প্রশ্ন:

Q.1. ‘Einstein was deeply shaken by the extent of the destruction’. What kind of destruction had shaken Einstein? – আইনস্টাইন ধ্বংসের পরিসীমা দেখে বিচলিত হন’। কী প্রকার ধ্বংস আইনস্টাইনকে বিচলিত করেছিল?

Ans. The Americans developed the atomic bomb in a secret project and dropped on the two major cities of Japan i.e. Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. Einstein knew the aftermaths of dropping the atomic bomb. So he warned the American President Franklin Roosevelt in 1939. But he did not heed his advice and decided to devastate Japan and humanity at large. Einstein was a scientist who wanted that science should be used for the welfare of the society and not to destroy mankind. Killing of human beings using the modern scientific technology was considered a sin. So he felt moved and that destruction shook him. It made.him write a public missive to the United Nations.

Q.2. Describe Albert Einstein’s childhood. – আলবার্ট আইনস্টাইনের শৈশব বর্ণনা করো।

Ans. Albert Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 in the German city of Ulm. At the age of two-and-a-half, Einstein did not start speaking. When he finally did learn to speak, he uttered everything twice. He did not know what to do with other children and his playmates called him “Brother Boring”. He,loved mechanical toys. Einstein did not get appreciation from his teachers. A headmaster told his father he would not succeed in any field. He was- a talented violinist and maintained this skill throughout his life. When Einstein joined a school in Munich, he did well in studies. But he hated the school’s regimentation and left the school at the age of 15. Einstein was highly gifted in Mathematics and interested in Physics.

Q.3. How and when did Einstein fall in love with Mileva Marie? What were the reasons of their incompatibility of Marriage? – কখন এবং কেমন করে আইনস্টাইন মিলেভা মেরিকের প্রেমে পড়েছিলেন? তাঁদের বিয়ে বেমানান হওয়ার কারণ কী?

Ans. Mileva Marie was a student who came to Switzerland to pursue her studies at the University in Zurich. Einstein found her to be a clever creature. He saw in her an ally against the “Philistines”- those people in his family and at the university he was constantly at odds. She was intelligent and ambitious. They married in January 1903 and had two sons. But a few years later, the marriage faltered. Mileva lost her intellectual ambition and became an unhappy housewife. They kept fighting with each other and consequently the couple finally divorced in 1919. Einstein was interested in scientific research and married her because she was intelligent. But her indifferent attitude towards new things made him lose his self-control.

Q.4. Albert Einstein is called a scientific genius. Write down his achievements and comments on his genius. – আলবার্ট আইনস্টাইনকে প্রতিভাবান বৈজ্ঞানিক বলা হয় । তাঁর মহান কীর্তি ও মতামত লেখো ।

Ans. Einstein did not prove a good student when he was quite young. But he was interested in physics. He was also highly gifted in mathematics. He worked as a technical expert in the patent office in Bern. There he was developing his own ideas in secret. He jokingly called his desk the “bureau of theoretical physics.” In 1905, one of his famous papers was Special Theory of Relativity’. In 1919, his theory of gravity was proved right. He was now called a scientific genius. He was awarded Nobel Prize in 1921 for physics.

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