Class 9 English Poem Chapter 8 On Killing a Tree

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Class 9 English Poem Chapter 8 On Killing a Tree

Bengali Medium Solutions by Roy Library helps students understand the literature lessons in the textbook. NCERT English Notes Class 9 Beehive, The sole purpose of the solutions is to assist students in learning the language easily. SEBA Class 9 English Solutions, Gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. NCERT Class 9 English Book PDF. The experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. SCERT Class 9 English Beehive Notes PDF will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. NCERT Class 9 English Notes PDF, Provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the Assam SEBA Board Class 9 English Suggestion. Class 9 English Syllabus are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.

On Killing a Tree


TEXTUAL QUESTIONS & ANSWERS:(অনুশীলনীর প্রশ্নোত্তর)


Q.1. Can a “simple jab of the knife” kill a tree? Why not? – “ছবির সামান্য খাঁচা” গাছকে মারতে পারে? কেন নয়?

Ans. No, a simple jab of knife does not have the ability to kill the tree. It has to go through various processes. If its root is not removed from the earth, it will sprout again.

Q.2. How has the tree grown to its full size? List the words suggestive of its life and activity. – গাছকে কখন পুরোপুরি আকারে বড় হয়? এর জীবন ও কাজে সংকেতপূর্ণ কাজগুলির তালিকা দাও।

Ans. The tree consumes the earth, and rises out it feeding upon its crust. It absorbs years of sunlight, air and water.

Q.3. What is the meaning of “bleeding bark”? What makes it bleed? – “রক্তাক্ত ছাল” কথাটির অর্থ কী? কী জন্য এটি রক্তাক্ত?

Ans. “Bleeding bark” means the twigs which are cut merci-lessly. They leave a liquid substance. If any part of the human body is cut, it starts bleeding. In the same way the liquid substance comes out from the branch of a tree. The human beings axe makes it bleed.

Q.4. The poet says “No” in the beginning of the third stanza. What does he mean by this? – তৃতীয় পঙক্তির শুরুতে কবি বলেছেন “না”।

Ans. ‘No is used to emphasize the perspective that chop-ping or hacking will not be sufficient for killing a tree.

Q.5.” What is the meaning of “anchoring earth” and “earth cave”? – Anchoring earth” এবং “earth cave”-এর অর্থ কী?

Ans. ‘It means that the earth protects it like a mother. ‘Earth Cave implies a hole inside it. The tree allows its roots to spread underneath. The earth protects it and fosters it. It provides all the essential ingredients to the tree.

Q.6. What does he mean by “the strength of the tree exposed? – “গাছের ক্ষমতা প্রকট হয় ” কথার অর্থ কী?

Ans. The stem/root is the strength of a tree. When the tree is pulled out, its strength is exposed.

Chapter – 1The Fun They Hed 
Chapter – 2The Sound Of Music 
Chapter – 3The Little Girl
Chapter – 4A Truly Beautiful Mind
Chapter – 5The Snake And The Mirror
Chapter – 6My Childhood
Chapter – 7Packing
Chapter – 8Reach For The Top
Chapter – 9The Bond Of Love
Chapter – 10Kathmandu
Chapter – 11If I Were You
Chapter – 12The Green Revolution And Save The Seeds Movement
Chapter – 13Trees
Chapter – 14Mirror
Chapter – 15Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening
Chapter – 1The Road Not Taken
Chapter – 2Wind
Chapter – 3Rain On The Roof
Chapter – 4The Lake Isle Of Innisfree
Chapter – 5A Legend Of The Northland
Chapter – 6No Men Are Foreign
Chapter – 7The Duck And The Kangaroo
Chapter – 8On Killing A Tree
Chapter – 9The Snake Tring
Chapter – 10A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal
Chapter – 1The Lost Child
Chapter – 2The Adventures Of Toto
Chapter – 3Iswaran The Storyteller
Chapter – 4In The Kingdom Of Fools
Chapter – 5The Happy Prince
Chapter – 6Weathering The Storm In Ersama
Chapter – 7The Last Leaf
Chapter – 8A House Is Not A Home
Chapter – 9The Accidental Tourist
Chapter – 10The Beggar
Chapter – 11A Visit To Kaziranga And Sivasagar

Q.7. What finally kills the tree? – শেষে কী করে গাছকে মারা যাবে?

Ans. Pulling out the tree from the mother earth and scorching and choking it in the sun and air kill the tree. It becomes brown, dry and gets hard. Eventually it dies.

Q.8. What does a tree absorb? – গাছ কী শুষে নেয়?

Ans. A tree absorbs sunlight, air and water.

Q.9. What does it consume? – এটি কী নষ্ট করে?

Ans. It consumes the earth.

Q.10. What is the meanings of ‘Jab’? -‘Jab’- এর অর্থ কী?

Ans. It means sudden rough blow.

Q.11. What alone will not be sufficient to kill a tree? – গাছকে মারতে এককভাবে কী যথেষ্ট নয়?

Ans. Hacking and chopping alone will not be sufficient to kill a tree.

Q.12. What will expand again? – আবার কী ছড়িয়ে যাবে?

Ans. The tree will expand again.

Q.13. What does Boughs’ Mean? -‘Boughs’- এর অর্থ কী?

Ans. It means a branch of a tree.

Q.14. What should be done to kill a tree? – গাছকে মারতে কী করতে হবে?

Ans. Pulling the roots out can be done to kill a tree.

Q.15. How does the earth protect the tree? – পৃথিবী কী করে গাছকে রক্ষা করে?

Ans. The earth protects the tree by giving it life and allowing its stem to spread underneath.

Q.16. What is white and wet? – কী ছিল সাদা এবং ভিজে?

Ans. It killed after withering.

Q.17. Name the poem and the poet. – কবিতাটি এবং কবির নাম বলো।

Ans. The poem is ‘On killing a tree’ and the poet is Gieve Patel.

Q.18. What happens to the tree after it is pulled out? – গাছকে টেনে তোলার পর কী হবে?

Ans. It is scorched and choked after it is pulled out.

Q.19. What happens to the tree after withering? – গাছ দুর্বল হয়ে যাবার পর কী হবে?

Ans. The stem is white and wet.

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