Class 9 English Poem Chapter 2 Wind

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Class 9 English Poem Chapter 2 Wind, is a textbook prescribed by the Assam SEBA Board Class 9 English Question Answer in English Medium Students will find the solutions very useful for exam preparation. Class 9 English Poem Chapter 2 Wind The experts of The Roy Library provide solutions for every textbook question Answer to help students understand and learn the language quickly. Class 9 English Poem Chapter 2 Wind are free to use and easily accessible.

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Class 9 English Poem Chapter 2 Wind

Bengali Medium Solutions by Roy Library helps students understand the literature lessons in the textbook. NCERT English Notes Class 9 Beehive, The sole purpose of the solutions is to assist students in learning the language easily. SEBA Class 9 English Solutions, Gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. NCERT Class 9 English Book PDF. The experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. SCERT Class 9 English Beehive Notes PDF will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. NCERT Class 9 English Notes PDF, Provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the Assam SEBA Board Class 9 English Suggestion. Class 9 English Syllabus are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.



TEXTUAL QUESTIONS & ANSWERS:(অনুশীলনীর প্রশ্নোত্তর)


Q. ll. 1. What are the things the wind does in the first stanza? – প্রথম পংক্তিতে বাতাস কী করে?

Ans. The wind breaks the doors of the window, scatters the papers and throws down the books on the shelf. It also tears the pages of the books and brings rain.

2. Have you seen anybody winnow grain at home or in a paddy field? What is the word in your language for winnowing? What do people use for winnowing? (Give the words in your language, if you know them.) – তুমি কি ঘরে অথবা শস্যক্ষেত্রে কাউকে বাতাস দিয়ে শস্য ঝাড়তে দেখেছ? তোমার ভাষায় শস্য ঝাড়াকে জন্য মানুষ কী ব্যবহার করে?

Ans. Yes, I have Seen ladies winnow grain in my village. People winnow grains to remove straws and dust from there. It is called Barsana’.

3. What does the poet say the wind god winnows? – কবি পবন – দেবতা কী আলাদা করে বলে বলেছেন? 

Ans. The wind God winnows all the things available at home.

4. What should we do to make friends with the wind? – বাতাসের সঙ্গে বন্ধুত্ব করার জন্য আমাদের কী করতে হবে?

Ans. The poet suggests that we should build strong houses and fix the doors firmly to make friends with the wind. Moreover, we should be hard enough to face the difficulties ot life.

5. What do the last four lines of the poem mean to you? – তোমার কাছে কবিতার শেষ চার লাইনের অর্থ কী?

Ans. The last four lines convey the message that those who are not determined and lack confidence face defeat. And those who set their targets and make sincere efforts are not disturbed by any hurdle.

6. How does the poet speak to the wind – in anger or with humour? You must also have seen or heard of the wind “crumbling lives”. What is your response to this? Is it like the poet’s? – বাতাসকে কবি কীভাবে কথা বলেছেন – রাগত স্বরে না কৌতুক করে ? তুমি নিশ্চয় দেখেছ বা শুনেছ বাতাস জীবন টুকরো টুকরো করে দেয়। এক্ষেত্রে তোমার উত্তর কী? তা কি কবির মতো?

Ans. The poet speaks to the wind with humor. I opine that the poet’s behavior is pertinent and I have also seen the wind devastating the property mercilessly. The poet invites the “wind to attack him and intends to prepare himself for the attack.

Q. II. The poem you have just read is originally in the Tamil. Do you know any such poems in your language?

Ans. I do not know any such poems in Hindi. But in English there is such a poem. It is, ‘Ode To the west wind ‘ by P.B. Shelly . It describes the power of the west wind.

Chapter – 1The Fun They Hed 
Chapter – 2The Sound Of Music 
Chapter – 3The Little Girl
Chapter – 4A Truly Beautiful Mind
Chapter – 5The Snake And The Mirror
Chapter – 6My Childhood
Chapter – 7Packing
Chapter – 8Reach For The Top
Chapter – 9The Bond Of Love
Chapter – 10Kathmandu
Chapter – 11If I Were You
Chapter – 12The Green Revolution And Save The Seeds Movement
Chapter – 13Trees
Chapter – 14Mirror
Chapter – 15Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening
Chapter – 1The Road Not Taken
Chapter – 2Wind
Chapter – 3Rain On The Roof
Chapter – 4The Lake Isle Of Innisfree
Chapter – 5A Legend Of The Northland
Chapter – 6No Men Are Foreign
Chapter – 7The Duck And The Kangaroo
Chapter – 8On Killing A Tree
Chapter – 9The Snake Tring
Chapter – 10A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal
Chapter – 1The Lost Child
Chapter – 2The Adventures Of Toto
Chapter – 3Iswaran The Storyteller
Chapter – 4In The Kingdom Of Fools
Chapter – 5The Happy Prince
Chapter – 6Weathering The Storm In Ersama
Chapter – 7The Last Leaf
Chapter – 8A House Is Not A Home
Chapter – 9The Accidental Tourist
Chapter – 10The Beggar
Chapter – 11A Visit To Kaziranga And Sivasagar

ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (অতিরিক্ত প্রশ্নোত্তর)

Q. 1. Who are disturbed by the wind? – বাতাসের দ্বারা কারা বিশৃঙ্খল হয়?

Ans. The wind disturbs only those people who are not determined. The self confident people overcome the obstacles put before them by the wind. The wind does not have the knack to disturb the peace of mind of such people. The wind blows out weak fires and makes strong fires roar and flourish.

Q.2. What does the wind do with the books? – ব‌ই – এর সঙ্গে বাতাস কী করে?

Ans. The wind tears the pages off and throws them down from the book shelf. The potent wind scatters the books and sheets of paper on the floor. It disturbs everything.

Q.3. Why does the author ask the wind to come swiftly? – কেন কবি বাতাসকে ধীরে – ধীরে আসতে বলেছেন? 

Ans. The author asks the wind to come swiftly so that the earthly peace and order can be retained. The wind damages the shutters of the windows, scatters the papers and tears the pages off. It disturbs everything and everyone. So, the poet pleads for the welfare of the society.

Q.4. How does the wind become the cause of rain? – কেমন করে বাতাস বৃষ্টির কারণ হয়?

Ans. The wind sometimes becomes violent and appears to be a storm. It brings clouds with it from distant. There is no need to say that clouds bring rain. It is a universal truth and scientific fact that clouds drop rain from blue sky.

Q.5. What can the wind do? – বাতাস কী করতে পারে?

Ans. The wind can break the shutters of the windows, scatter the papers, and throw down the book on the shelf.

Q.6. What did the wind tear? – বাতাস কী ছিঁড়ে ফেলে?

Ans. The wind tore the pages of the books.

Q.7. What did it bring? – বাতাস কী নিয়ে আসে?

Ans. It brought the rain.

Q.8. Who is very clever? – কে খুব চালাক?

Ans. The wind is very clever.

Q.9. What is broken by the wind? – বাতাসের দ্বারা কী ভাঙে?

Ans. The houses, doors and rafters are broken by the wind

Q.10. Why does the poet say that his friendship is good? – কবি কেন বলেছেন যে তার বন্ধুত্ব ভালো?

Ans. The poet says so because its friendship gives us strength.

Q.11. What does the wind god do? – পবন – দেবতা কী করেন?

Ans. The wind god winnows and crushes all material Possessions.

Q.12. Who does “He refer to in the first line? – প্রথম লাইন ‘He’ কাকে বলা হয়েছে?

Ans. ‘He here refers to wind God.

Q. 13. What does the poet ask to do? – কবি কী করতে বলেছেন?

Ans. The poet asks to build strong houses, keep robust doors and keep firm hearts.

Q.14. What will happen after doing that? – এগুলি করার পর কী  ঘটবে?

Ans. After doing that the wind will become their friend.

Q.15. What does the wind blow out? – বাতাসে কী নেভাতে পারে?

Ans. The wind blows out the weak fire.

Q.16. What does it do with strong fires? – তেজী আগুনের সঙ্গে এটি কী করে?

Ans. It makes the strong fire roar and flourish.

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