Class 9 English Poem Chapter 3 Rain on The Roof

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Class 9 English Poem Chapter 3 Rain on The Roof, is a textbook prescribed by the Assam SEBA Board Class 9 English Question Answer in English Medium Students will find the solutions very useful for exam preparation. Class 9 English Poem Chapter 3 Rain on The Roof The experts of The Roy Library provide solutions for every textbook question Answer to help students understand and learn the language quickly. Class 9 English Poem Chapter 3 Rain on The Roof are free to use and easily accessible.

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Class 9 English Poem Chapter 3 Rain on The Roof

Bengali Medium Solutions by Roy Library helps students understand the literature lessons in the textbook. NCERT English Notes Class 9 Beehive, The sole purpose of the solutions is to assist students in learning the language easily. SEBA Class 9 English Solutions, Gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. NCERT Class 9 English Book PDF. The experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. SCERT Class 9 English Beehive Notes PDF will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. NCERT Class 9 English Notes PDF, Provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the Assam SEBA Board Class 9 English Suggestion. Class 9 English Syllabus are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.

Rain on The Roof


TEXTUAL QUESTIONS & ANSWERS:(অনুশীলনীর প্রশ্নোত্তর)


Q.I. 1. What do the following phrases mean to you? Discuss in class. – তোমার কাছে নীচের বাগবৈশিষ্ট্যগুলির অর্থ কী? শ্রেণিতে আলোচনা কর।

(i) humid shadows (আর্দ্র ছায়া)

Ans. Humid shadows: These are the shadows of different things which become wet during the rainy season.

(ii) starry spheres ( তারকা মণ্ডল)

Ans. Starry spheres: The area where stars appear in a group in the sky.

(iii) what a blis (কী আনন্দ)

Ans. What a bliss: The poet feels happy when he listens to the rain drops.

(iv) a thousand dreamy fancies into busy being star (হাজারো স্বপ্নের আনাগোনা শুরু হ‌ওয়া,)

Ans. A thousand dreamy fancies into busy being start : The poet starts recollecting the past and finds himself lost in reveries and dreams in the rainy weather.

(v) a thousand recollections weave their hair-threads into Wood. (হাজারো স্মৃতির সুতো দিয়ে জাল বোনা‌)।

Ans. A thousand recollections weave their air-threads into woof: The poet recollects hundreds of memories in the rainy season. They weave a weft with the help of air – threads.

2. What does the poet like to do when it rains? – যখন বৃষ্টি পড়ে কবি কী পছন্দ করেন?

Ans. The poet likes to be in his room with his mother. He considers it a state of ecstacy.

3. What is the single major memory that comes to the poet? Who are the “”darling dreamers” he refers to? – কবির মনে কোন বিরাট স্মৃতি এসে উপস্থিত হয়? তিনি ‘প্রিয় স্বপ্ন’ বলতে কী বলেছেন?

Ans. The poet’s mother is the single major memory that comes to the poet. Darling dręamers’ ire those ‘kids’ who remember their mothers like the poet.

4. Is the poet now a child? Is his mother still alive? –  কবি এখন কী শিশু? তাঁর মা কি এখনও জীবিত আছেন?

Ans. No, the poet is not a child. His mother is no more. But her memories haunts him.

Q.II. 1. When you were a young child, did your mother tuck you in, as the poet’s did?

Ans. Yes, my mother used to tuck me in when I was a child. Whenever I said that I could not do that, she embraced me and took me in her lap to get that work done. She used to feel sad and dejected it I was involved in any mishap.

2. Do you like rain? What do you do when it rains steadily or heavily as described in the poem?

Ans. Yes, I like rain and prefer to take a bath for some time. But when it rains heavily, I stay inside and enjoy the beauty of nature.

3. Does everybody have a cosy bed to lie in when it rains? Look around you and describe how different kinds of people or animals spend time, seek shelter, etc. during rain.

Ans. No, everybody is not so fortunate to have a cosy bed to lie in when it rains. There are some people who live at railway platforms and bus terminal. They don’t have tha bed sheet to talk of comfortable beds.

There are som many animals which don’t have any shelter and tremble under the dark say in the rainy season.

Chapter – 1The Fun They Hed 
Chapter – 2The Sound Of Music 
Chapter – 3The Little Girl
Chapter – 4A Truly Beautiful Mind
Chapter – 5The Snake And The Mirror
Chapter – 6My Childhood
Chapter – 7Packing
Chapter – 8Reach For The Top
Chapter – 9The Bond Of Love
Chapter – 10Kathmandu
Chapter – 11If I Were You
Chapter – 12The Green Revolution And Save The Seeds Movement
Chapter – 13Trees
Chapter – 14Mirror
Chapter – 15Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening
Chapter – 1The Road Not Taken
Chapter – 2Wind
Chapter – 3Rain On The Roof
Chapter – 4The Lake Isle Of Innisfree
Chapter – 5A Legend Of The Northland
Chapter – 6No Men Are Foreign
Chapter – 7The Duck And The Kangaroo
Chapter – 8On Killing A Tree
Chapter – 9The Snake Tring
Chapter – 10A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal
Chapter – 1The Lost Child
Chapter – 2The Adventures Of Toto
Chapter – 3Iswaran The Storyteller
Chapter – 4In The Kingdom Of Fools
Chapter – 5The Happy Prince
Chapter – 6Weathering The Storm In Ersama
Chapter – 7The Last Leaf
Chapter – 8A House Is Not A Home
Chapter – 9The Accidental Tourist
Chapter – 10The Beggar
Chapter – 11A Visit To Kaziranga And Sivasagar

Q.4. Who weeps in the form of rainy tears? – কে বর্ষার জলের শব্দে কাঁদছে?

Ans. The darkness weeps in the form of rainy tears.

Q.5. What is considered a bliss in the extract ? – কীসে আনন্দ বের হয়ে আসছে?

Ans. Pressing the pillow is considered a bliss in the extract.

Q.6. What is to be listened to? – কী শোনা যাচ্ছে?

Ans. The patter of the rain is to be listened to.

Q.7. What has an echo in the heart? – হৃদয়ে কী প্রতিধ্বনিত হয়?

Ans. The tinkle on the shingles has an echo in the heart.

Q.8. What happens to the mind of a being? – মনের মধ্যে কী হয় ?

Ans. Dreamy fancies happen to the mind of a being.

Q. 9. When does the speaker recollect and dream? – কখন বক্তার স্মৃতিতে স্বপ্ন জড়ো হয়?

Ans. While listening to the patter the speaker recollects and dream.

Q.10. Whom does the poet remember? – কবির কাকে মনে পড়ছে?

Ans. The poet remembers his mother.

Q.11. How did the poet’s mother treat the dreamers? – কেমন করে কবির মা স্বপ্নে প্রভাবিত করেন?

Ans. The poet s mother treats the dreamers with honour.

Q.12. When does his mother come in his memory? – কখন তাঁর মা তার স্মৃতিতে এসেছিলেন?

Ans. While he was listening to the sound of rain drops his mother comes in his memory.

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