Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 14 Mirror

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Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 14 Mirror, is a textbook prescribed by the Assam SEBA Board Class 9 English Question Answer in English Medium Students will find the solutions very useful for exam preparation. Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 14 Mirror The experts of The Roy Library provide solutions for every textbook question Answer to help students understand and learn the language quickly. Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 14 Mirror are free to use and easily accessible.

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Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 14 Mirror

Bengali Medium Solutions by Roy Library helps students understand the literature lessons in the textbook. NCERT English Notes Class 9 Beehive, The sole purpose of the solutions is to assist students in learning the language easily. SEBA Class 9 English Solutions, Gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. NCERT Class 9 English Book PDF. The experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. SCERT Class 9 English Beehive Notes PDF will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. NCERT Class 9 English Notes PDF, Provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the Assam SEBA Board Class 9 English Suggestion. Class 9 English Syllabus are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.



TEXTUAL QUESTIONS & ANSWERS:(অনুশীলনীর প্রশ্নোত্তর)

Understanding the text:

1. Give very short answers to the following questions:

(a) What does the mirror swallow immediately? – আয়নাটি প্রত্যক্ষন্দ্র কী মেনে নিয়েছে?

Ans. The miTor swallow immediately that the mirror reflects whatever comes before it.

(b) What is the mirror an eye of? – আয়নার চোখ কেমন?

Ans. The mirror an eye of a little idol that remains open all the time.

(c) What does the mirror meditate on? – আয়নাটি গভীরভাবে কী বিবেচনা করে?

Ans. The mirror meditate that the wall as a part of his heart.

(d) What are the two things that separate the mirror and the opposite wall? – দুটো কী জিনিস আয়না ও তার বিপরীত দেয়ালকে আলাদা করে?

Ans. Faces and darkness keep coming between the mirror and the wall and separate them.

(e) What colour is the wall? – দেয়ালের রং কী?

Ans. The colour of the wall is pink.

(f) Why does the mirror say I am not cruel, only truthful.? – কেন আয়নাটি বলেছে, ‘আমি নিষ্ঠুর ন‌ই, কেবলমাত্র বাস্তববাদী ?’

Ans. The mirror says that it has no personal feelings, likes or dislikes. But it does not mean that it is cruel. It, is only truthful. It reflects the exact truth only.

(g) Why does the mirror call itself the eye of a little god? – আয়নাটি কেন নিজেকে ছোট মূর্তির চোখ বলেছে?

Ans. The mirror call itself the eye of a little god because it remains all the time and looks at everything impartially.

2. Give short answers to the following questions: – সংক্ষিপ্ত প্রশ্নগুলির উত্তর দাও:

(a) Why does the mirror say it has no preconceptions? – আয়নাটি কেন বলেছে যে তার কোনো পূর্বনিদিষ্ট ধারণা নেই?

Ans. The mirror say it has no preconceptions because it gives an exact image of whatever appears before it. It has no preconceived ideas or opinions. It readily accepts everything as it is.

(b) Why does the mirror think that the opposite wall is a part of its heart? – আয়নাটি কেন মনে করেছে যে বিপরীত দেয়ালটি তার অন্তরের অংশ?

Ans. The mirror has been put up opposite a pink wall. The mirror says that it has looked at the wall very very long. In this connection the mirror think that the opposite wall is a part of its heart.

(C) Why does the woman bend over the mirror when it becomes a lake? – মহিলাটি কেন হ্রদের ‌জলে ঝুঁকে পড়তেন যখন তিনি হ্রদের কাছে আসতেন?

Ans. When the woman looks at herself in the lake, she sees that she is no longer a girl. She sees that she is becoming older and older day after day. She feels as if she has seen a terrible fish. Tears come in her eyes and she shakes her hands in agitation.

Chapter – 1The Fun They Hed 
Chapter – 2The Sound Of Music 
Chapter – 3The Little Girl
Chapter – 4A Truly Beautiful Mind
Chapter – 5The Snake And The Mirror
Chapter – 6My Childhood
Chapter – 7Packing
Chapter – 8Reach For The Top
Chapter – 9The Bond Of Love
Chapter – 10Kathmandu
Chapter – 11If I Were You
Chapter – 12The Green Revolution And Save The Seeds Movement
Chapter – 13Trees
Chapter – 14Mirror
Chapter – 15Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening
Chapter – 1The Road Not Taken
Chapter – 2Wind
Chapter – 3Rain On The Roof
Chapter – 4The Lake Isle Of Innisfree
Chapter – 5A Legend Of The Northland
Chapter – 6No Men Are Foreign
Chapter – 7The Duck And The Kangaroo
Chapter – 8On Killing A Tree
Chapter – 9The Snake Tring
Chapter – 10A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal
Chapter – 1The Lost Child
Chapter – 2The Adventures Of Toto
Chapter – 3Iswaran The Storyteller
Chapter – 4In The Kingdom Of Fools
Chapter – 5The Happy Prince
Chapter – 6Weathering The Storm In Ersama
Chapter – 7The Last Leaf
Chapter – 8A House Is Not A Home
Chapter – 9The Accidental Tourist
Chapter – 10The Beggar
Chapter – 11A Visit To Kaziranga And Sivasagar

(d) How does the woman reward the mirror? – মহিলাটি কেমন করে আয়নাকে পুরস্কার দিল?

Ans. The lake feels rewarded in that it has shown the woman her true reality. That is what the real functions of a mirror is.

(e) Why is the mirror important to the woman? – আয়না মহিলার কাছে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কেন?

Ans. The mirror important to the woman because she wants to see how she really looks. And the mirror gives an exact image of whatever appears before it.

Q. 3. Answer the following questions in about 100 Words: – ১০০ শব্দের মধ্যে প্রশ্নগুলির উত্তর দাও:

(a) Give the central idea of the poem. – কবিতাটির অন্তর্নিহিত অর্থ দাও।

Ans. Any smooth surface that reflects light and forms an image can be called a mirror. The smoother the surface, the Better the reflection. Such a mirror reflects a true image without  any distortion.

In this poem, the mirror describes its truly objective character. It says that it shows the exact reality of persons and things. It gives a perfectly objective image of whatever it sees. It is for the individual concerned whether he accepts this reality or not.

(b) Bring out the significance of the image of the lake in the poem. – কবিতায় হ্রদের জলে প্রতিবিম্বের মর্মার্থ নির্ণয় করো।

Ans. The poet feels a similarity between the mirror and the lake. Both give a true reflection of the things that come close to them. But the lake has in it a depth also. While looking in to the waters of the lake, the woman reflects on all the changes that have come about in her life. That is why the poet replaces the mirror with a lake.

(c) Why does the poet call the ‘candles or the moon liars? – কেন মোমবাতি ও চাঁদকে মিথ্যাবাদী বলা হয়েছে?

Ans. In the poem, a woman comes and bends over the lake. She looks into the waters of the lake and tries to see how she really looks. The she turns to look at the reflection of the candles or the moon in the lake. The poet says that the candles and the moons are both liars, because they don’t show the true reality of a person or thing.

Working with words:

1. Read the poem carefully and give the opposite words for the following: –  কবিতাটি মনোযোগ দিয়ে পড়ো এবং নিম্নের শব্দগুলির বিপরীত শব্দ লেখো।

dislike – like

goes – comes

old – young

separate – gatehr

rise – sets

long – short

2. Frame sentences with the following words: – নীচের শব্দগুলির সাহায্যে বাক্য তৈরি করো।

Look at – The mirror looked at the wall very very long.

Bend over – A woman comes in a lake’s bank and bends over it.

Meditate on – The mirror meditate on its opposite pink wall.

Agitation – The mirror reflects the exact truth, without any agitation

Replace – In the morning, women’ s face replaces the darkness of the lake.


1. Stand in front of a mirror for five minutes and write the sentences on the thoughts that come to you,

2. The mirror in the poem acts as a witness to history. Make a list of things that can serve a similar purpose.

ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: (অতিরিক্ত প্রশ্নোত্তর)

Q.1. Why has the mirror been described as being ‘unmisted’? What is the image that the poet is trying to convey about the nature of the mirror? – কেন আয়নাকে অকুয়াশাবৃত বলে বর্ণনা করা হয়েছে? কবি আয়নার কোন প্রকৃতির কথা এখানে বলার চেষ্টা করেছেন?

Ans. It means that the mirror gives an exact image of whatever appears before it. It has no preconceived ideas or opinions. It has no personal Jokes, dislikes or prejudices. It readily accepts everything as it is. Its opinion is totally objective. It remains unaffected by any feelings of love or hatred. It reflects the exact truth, without any exaggeration or distortion. It is like the eye of a little idol that remains open all the time and looks at everything impartially.

Q.2. How does the mirror ‘swallow? What is the poetic device used here? – আয়না কীভাবে সব নির্দ্বিধায় মেনে নেয়? এখানে কী কবিকল্পনা আছে?

Ans. The mirror accepts readily whatever appears before it. It doesn’t allow anyone even a moment to escape. It at once captures anything that comes within its range. It has no preconceived ideas or opinions. It is free from personal likes or dislikes. It has no prejudice towards anyone. Its opinion is totally objective. The poetic device used here is ‘a metaphor’. The mirror has been presented as an all-encompassing thing that readily accepts anything that comes to it.

Q. 3. Why has the mirror been called a four-cornered god ? Why is the mirror compared to a lake? – আয়নার কেন চারকোণা মূর্তি বলা হয়েছে? কেন আয়নাকে হ্রদের সঙ্গে তুলনা করা হয়েছে?

Ans. The mirror has been called a four-cornered god. It looks at everything from all the four angles. It is always unbiased and fair like a god. Like a god, it reflects only the exact truth. That is why the mirror has been compared to a four cornered god. The mirror has been compared to a lake because a lake also reflects the things around it, as a mirror does.

Q. 4. How does the mirror spend its time? What disturbs its contemplation of the opposite wall? – আয়না কীভাবে তার ও সময় কাটায় ? তার দেয়ালের মধ্যে কারা বিরক্ত করে?

Ans. The mirror spends most of its time in thinking about the wall that is opposite it. The mirror says that it has looked at the wall so long that it has begun to think of the wall as a part of its heart. In other words, the reflection of the wall is always there in the mirror. However, faces and darkness keep coming again and again between the mirror and the wall. This disturbs the mirror in its contemplation of the opposite wall. And then the wall appears only as flickers in the mirror.

Q. 5. What is the woman searching for in the depths of the lake? Why does she become upset and start crying? – মহিলাটি হ্রদের জলে কী খুঁজছেন ? কেন তিনি বিমর্ষ হলেন ও কেঁদে ফেললেন?

Ans. The woman is searching for her lost youth and her beauty in the depths of the lake. But when she looks at herself in the lake, she sees her reality. She sees that she is no longer a young and beautiful girl. She sees that she is becoming older and older day by day. She becomes very upset on seeing this. Tears come in her eyes and she shakes her hands in agitation.

Q. 6. Who does the poet refer to as a fish in this poem? Why has it been described as being terrible’? – কবিতায় কবি কাকে মাছের সঙ্গে তুলনা করেছেন? কেন ভয়ানক বলা হয়েছে?

Ans. The poet refers to the old woman as a fish. The woman looks at herself in the lake. She finds that she is no longer young and beautiful. Wrinkles have appeared on her face. She feels as if she has seen a terrible fish. Tears come in her eyes and she shakes her hands in agitation. That is why the woman has been compared to a terrible fish that is now out of the water of her-youth.

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