Class 9 English Moments Chapter 11 A Visit to Kaziranga and Sivasagar

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Class 9 English Moments Chapter 11 A Visit to Kaziranga and Sivasagar

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A Visit to Kaziranga and Sivasagar


TEXTUAL QUESTIONS & ANSWERS:(অনুশীলনীর প্রশ্নোত্তর)

THINK ABOUT IT – চিন্তা করো:

I. Choose the right answer. – সঠিক উত্তরটি বেছে নাও:

(i) When something is conserved, it is preserved/ destroyed. – যখন আমরা কোনো কিছু সংরক্ষণ করি, আসলে তা রক্ষা/ধ্বংস করি।

Ans. When something is conserved, it is preserved.

(ii) Herbivorous animals eat flesh/grass.- তৃণভোজী প্রাণীরা মাংস/মাস খায়।

Ans. Herbivorous animals eat grass.

(iii) When you excavate, you dig out/cover up something. – যখন তুমি খননকার্য করো, তখন তুমি গর্ত করো/ গর্ত বন্ধ করে দাও।

Ans. When you excavate, you dig out.

(iv) When you visit a historical site, you see new/old monuments. – যখন তুমি কোনো ঐতিহাসিক স্থান ভ্রমণ করতে যাও, তখন নতুন/ পুরানো স্মৃতিসৌধ দেখতে পাও।

Ans. When you visit as historical site, you see old monuments.

(v) When you play an indigenous game, it is a foreign/local game. – যখন তুমি কোনো স্বদেশীয় ক্রীড়া প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করো, তখন সেটি হল বিদেশী/ স্থানীয় খেলা।

Ans. When you play an indigenous game, it is a local game.

II. Answer these questions in one or two short sentences: নিম্নলিখিত প্রশ্নগুলির একটি অথবা দুটি বাক্যে উত্তর দাও: 

1. Why did the children wake up early in the morning? – শিশুরা খুব সকালে উঠে পড়েছিল কেন?

Ans. The children wake up early because they were very excited to visit the Sivasagar with their parents.

2. Why is Assam unique? – আসাম অসাধারণ/ অন্যদের থেকে আলাদা কেন?

Ans. Assam is a unique land because here we can find the tea garden, ancient temples, national parks, historical monuments and many more things like tomb-vault etc.

3. What is a national park? – জাতীয় উদ্যান কাকে বলে?

Ans. National Park is a park that is used for conservation purposes. Every national park conserve some animal or other. for example Kaziranga national park conserve the rare one-horned rhinoceros.

4. When was Kaziranga designated as a National Park? – কাজিরাঙা, জাতীয় উদ্যান বলে আখ্যাত হয় কোন সময়?

Ans. It was in 1974 that Kaziranga was designated as a National Park.

5. What is the full form of UNESCO? – ইউনেসকো শব্দটির পুরো নাম কী?

Ans. The full form of UNESCO 1S United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

6. Why was Kaziranga Game Sanctuary renamed the Kaziranga Wildlife Sanctuary? – কাজিরাঙা ক্রীড়া অভয়ারণ্য- এর নাম পরিবর্তন করে কাজিরাঙা বন্যপ্রাণী অভয়ারণ্য করা হয় কেন?

Ans. Because ‘game’ also means aniñals haunted for food which is not a nice name for a park where you want to conserve animals. So it was renamed in 1950 by the forest conservationist, P.D. Stracey as Kaziranga Wild Life Sanctuary.

7. What does the rhinoceros eat? – গণ্ডাররা কী খেতে ভালোবাসে?

Ans. Rhinoceros are herbivorous, they eat only grasses, and Sometime they also eat leaves, fruits, water plants and branches of shrubs.

8. On their way to Sivasagar, they crossed a stone bridge.” What is the name of this bridge? – শিবসাগর যাওয়ার পথে তারা একটা পাথরের সেতু অতিক্রম করেছিল। – এই সেতুটির নাম কী?

Ans. The stone bridge, which they crossed before reaching Sivasagar was the Sailor Saaku or the famous Namdang stone bridge.

9. Name the three temples built on the bank of the Sivasagar Tank. – শিবসাগর জলাশয়ের তীরে যে তিনটি মন্দির ছিল তাদের নাম কী?

Ans. The three temples built on the bank of the Sivasagar tank was Shiva Dol, Vishnu Dol, and Devi Dol. Shiva Dol was the most sacred of the three temples.

10. Who built the Ranghar? – রঙ ঘর কে তৈরি করেছিলেন?

Ans. Ahom King Pramatta Singha built the Ranghar.

Chapter – 1The Fun They Hed 
Chapter – 2The Sound Of Music 
Chapter – 3The Little Girl
Chapter – 4A Truly Beautiful Mind
Chapter – 5The Snake And The Mirror
Chapter – 6My Childhood
Chapter – 7Packing
Chapter – 8Reach For The Top
Chapter – 9The Bond Of Love
Chapter – 10Kathmandu
Chapter – 11If I Were You
Chapter – 12The Green Revolution And Save The Seeds Movement
Chapter – 13Trees
Chapter – 14Mirror
Chapter – 15Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening
Chapter – 1The Road Not Taken
Chapter – 2Wind
Chapter – 3Rain On The Roof
Chapter – 4The Lake Isle Of Innisfree
Chapter – 5A Legend Of The Northland
Chapter – 6No Men Are Foreign
Chapter – 7The Duck And The Kangaroo
Chapter – 8On Killing A Tree
Chapter – 9The Snake Tring
Chapter – 10A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal
Chapter – 1The Lost Child
Chapter – 2The Adventures Of Toto
Chapter – 3Iswaran The Storyteller
Chapter – 4In The Kingdom Of Fools
Chapter – 5The Happy Prince
Chapter – 6Weathering The Storm In Ersama
Chapter – 7The Last Leaf
Chapter – 8A House Is Not A Home
Chapter – 9The Accidental Tourist
Chapter – 10The Beggar
Chapter – 11A Visit To Kaziranga And Sivasagar

III. Fill in the Blanks: শূন্যস্থান পূরণ করো:

1. Well, in 1904_____ visited kaziranga. _______ আচ্ছা, 1904 সালে _______ কাজিরাঙা ভ্রমণ করেছিলেন।

Ans. Well, in 1904 Mary Curzon visited Kaziranga.

2. The Namdang Stone Bridge was built by the Ahom king __________ ( নামদাং পাথরের সেতু তৈরি করেছিলেন আহোম রাজা _________।)

Ans. The Namdang Stone Bridge was built by the Ahom King Rudra Singha in 1703.

3. Siu-Ka-Pha made_________ his first capital.- সিউ কা – ফা ___________ তে তার প্রথম রাজধানী স্থাপন করেছিলেন। 

Ans. Siu-Ka-Pha made Charaideo his first capital.

IV. Answer these questions in a short paragraph: – নিম্নলিখিত প্রশ্নগুলির সংক্ষিপ্ত অনুচ্ছেদে উত্তর দাও।

1. Write briefly the history of Kaziranga as a protected area. – সংরক্ষিত এলাকা হিসাবে কাজিরাঙার ইতিহাস সংক্ষেপে লেখো।

Ans. The history of Kazıranga as a protected area can be traced back to l1904, when Mary Curzon, the wife of the Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon of Kedleston, visited the area.

After failing to see a single rhinoceros, for which the area was renowned, she persuaded her husband to take urgent measures to protect the dwindling species. On Ist June 1905, the Kaziranga proposed Reserve Forest was created with an area of 232 km². In 1916 it was redesignated as Kaziranga Game Sanctuary”and 1950 by P.D. Stracey it was renamed as Kaziranga Wild Life Sanctuary.

2. Write a short note on Talatal Ghar. – তলাতল ঘর সম্বন্ধে একটি ছোটো টীকা লেখো।

Ans. The Talatal Ghar is located in Rangpur, 4 km from present-day Sivasagar, in upper Assam. Of all Ahom ruins, it is one of the grandest examples of Tai Ahom architecture. The Talatal Ghar, together with its above ground counterpart the Kareng Ghar. is also the largest of all Tai Ahom monuments.

3. Write a note on Charaideo Maidam. (চড়াইদেও মৈডম সম্পর্কে একটি ছোটো লেখো।)

Ans. Charaideo was the first capital of the Ahom King Siu- Ka-Pha in 1288. Though the capital of the Ahom Kingdom moved many times, Charaideo remained the symbolic centre. In contains sacred burial grounds of Ahom Kings and queens and is also the place of ancestral Gods of the Ahoms. The tombs (Maidams) of Ahom Kings and queens at Charaideo hillocks are comparable to the pyramids of Egypt and are objects of wonder revealing the excellent architecture and skill of sculptors and masons of Assam of the mediaeval days.

Thinking about Language- ভাষা সম্বন্ধীয় কিছু চিন্তা বা আলোচনা:

I. Change the following sentences from direct to indirect speech.- নিম্নলিখিত বাক্যগুলির উক্তি পরিবর্তন করো।

1. “Do you know Kaziranga is a World Heritage site?” their father said. – তাদের বাবা বললেন, ” তোমার কি জানো, কাজিরাঙা একটি বিশ্ব ঐতিহ্যবাহী স্থান?” 

Ans. Their father asked whether they knew Kaziranga is a world heritage site.

2. “On our way we can stay for a night in Kaziranga, their mother suggested. – তাদের মা পরামর্শ দিলেন, যাত্রাপথে আমরা কাজিরাঙায় একরাত কাটাতে পারি।”

Ans. Their mother suggest that on their way hey could stay for a night in Kaziranga.

3. Can we go to see the rhino now?”” Lohit asked.- লোহিত জিজ্ঞাসা করল, ” আমরা কি এখন গণ্ডার দেখতে যেতে পারি?”

Ans. Lohit asked whether they would go to see the rhino then.

4. I wish there was really a sagar here!” Lohit said. – লোহিত বলল, ” আমি আশা করেছিলাম, এখানে অবশ্যই একটা সমুদ্র থাকবে!”

Ans. Lohit wished that there was really a sagar.

II. Here are some sentences from the piece. Choose the words from the brackets which can be substituted for the italicised words in the sentence:- পাঠ্যাংশ থেকে কয়েকটি বাক্য এখানে দেওয়া হল। বাক্যে ব্যবহৃত বাঁকানো অক্ষরে লেখা শব্দগুলির পরিবর্তে বন্ধনীর মধ্যে থাকা সঠিক শব্দটি বেছে নাও।

1. They checked in at a hotel that had a large compound. (registered, corrected) – তারা এমন একটা হোটেলে আশ্রয় নিয়েছিল যার চারিপাশের এলাকাটা ছিল অনেক বড়ো। (তালিকাভুক্ত, সংশোধিত।)

Ans. They registered in at a hotel that had a large compound.

2. She requested her husband to take measures immediately to protect the rhinos. (take steps, calculate) – তিনি তার স্বামীকে গণ্ডার সংরক্ষণের জন্য যথাশীঘ্র ব্যবস্থা নিতে বলেছিলেন। ( ব্যবস্থা নেওয়া, গণনা করা।)

Ans. She requested her husband to take steps immediately to protect the rhinos.

3. Further in, they spotted a deer, (dotted, saw) – এরপর একটা হরিণ তাদের নজরে পড়ল। (ছোপ দাগ, দেখতে পাওয়া।)

Ans. Further in, they see a deer.

4. In the heart of the town was the Sivasagar Tank. (centre of, mind of)

Ans. In the centre of of the town was the Sivasagar Tank.

5. The maidams have tomb vaults just like the pyramids in Egypt. (burial chambers, jumps.) – মৈডমগুলি হল ঈজিপ্টের পিরামিডের মতই মৃতদের কবরখানা। (মৃতদেহের কামরা, লাফানো)

Ans. The burial chambers have tomb vaults just like the Pyramids in Egypt.

III. Verbs of reporting are used to order, report statements, thoughts, intentions, questions, apologies, requests and so on.- প্রতিবেদনের ক্ষেত্রে ক্রিয়াগুলি ব্যবহার করা হয়। আদেশ বাক্যের প্রতিবেদন, চিন্তা, অভিপ্রায়, জিজ্ঞাসা, ক্ষমা প্রার্থনা, অনুরোধ ইত্যাদি বোঝাতে।

Underline the verbs of reporting in the following sentences:- নিম্নলিখিত বাক্যগুলির ক্ষেত্রে প্রতিবেদনের ক্রিয়াগুলির নীচে দাগ দাও।

1. Their father had explained to them, “This bridge is named after the Ahom General Kolia Bhomora Phukan.” – তাদের বাবা স্পষ্ট করে বললেন যে, ” এই সেতুটি আহোম সাম্রাজ্যের সেনাপতি কোলিয়া ভোমোরা ফুকান – এর নামে রাখা হয়েছে।

Ans. Explained.

2. What’s there to see in Sivasagar? Let’s go to uncle’s house in Tezpur instead.” Lohit pleaded.- লোহিত নিজের পক্ষ সমর্থন করে বলল, ” শিবসাগরে আবার দেখার কি আছে? তার পরিবর্তে বরং চলো আমরা তেজপুরে কাকার বাড়ি যাই।”

Ans. Pleaded.

3. “On our way we can stay for a night in Kaziranga, their mother suggested. – তাদের মা পরামর্শ দিলেন, যাত্রাপথে আমরা কাজিরাঙায়া একরাত কাটাতে পারি।”

Ans. Suggested.

4. Can we go to see the rhino now?” Lohit asked.- লোহিত জিজ্ঞাসা করল, ” এবার কি আমরা গণ্ডার দেখতে যেতে পারি?”

Ans. Asked.

5. Look, look,” Lohit shouted excitedly*”, there’s a rhino.- লোহিত উত্তেজিত হয়ে চিৎকার করে বলল, ” দেখো, দেখো, ওইখানে একটা গণ্ডার আছে।”

Ans. Shouted.

6. Wow ! Trisha exclaimed, looking through the binocular. “There’s another rhino in the water.”- দূরবিন দিয়ে দেখার পর তৃষা চিৎকার করে বলল, “চমৎকার, ওইখানে জলের মধ্যে আরও একটা গণ্ডার আছে।”

Ans. Exclaimed.

7. “I will take you to Charaideo,” said their father. – বাবা বললেন, “আমি তোমাদের চরাইদেও নিয়ে যাব।”

Ans. Said.

Speaking – আলাপ – আলোচনা:

I. Discuss the following words with your teacher.- নিম্নলিখিত শব্দগুলি নিয়ে তোমার শিক্ষকের সঙ্গে আলোচনা করো।

(i) conservation-The act of preserving or protecting biodiversity, environment and natural resources. – সংরক্ষণ- জৈববৈচিত্র্য, পরিবেশ এবং প্রাকৃতিক সম্পদ নিরাপদ বা রক্ষা করার জন্য যে আইন। 


Act of Biodiversity

The Biological Diversity Act, 2002 is an act of the Parliament of India for preservation of biological diversity in India, and provides mechanism for equitable sharing of benefits arising out use of traditional biological resources and knowledge. The act was enacted to meet the obligations under convention on Biological Diversity to which India is a party. 

The Government of India enacted the Environment Protection Act of 1986 under Article 253 of the Constitution The purpose of the Act is to implement the decisions of the United Nations conference on the Human Environments, they relate to the protection and the prevention or hazards to human beings, other living creatures, plants and property.

(ii) dol-temple is also called dol in Assamese. – দৌল – অসমীয়া ভাষার মন্দিরকে দৌল বলা হয়।

Ans. In Assam temple is called dol. Sivasagar Shiva Dol is one of them. It was constructed by Queen Ambıka between 1731 and 1738. The height of the Shiva Dol is 104 feet and the perimeter is 195 feet at the base. It is crowned with an 8 feet high golden dome. Shiva dol was located in the heart of the Sivasagar City of Upper Assam in North-east India. It is 370 kms away from Guwahati, the Capital of Assam. Simuluguri is the nearest rail head, which is 16 kms away and the nearest airport is at Jorhat which is 55 kms away.

(iii) amphitheatre-a semi-circular outdoor venue. – অ্যাম্পিথিয়েটার – বাড়ির বাইরে খেলা দেখার জন্য অর্ধবৃত্তাকার জায়গা।

Ans. An Amphitheatre is an open-air venue used for entertainment, performances and sports. The Ranghar is a kind of Amphitheatre or as the royal sports pavilion where Ahom Kings and nobles were spectators at games like buffalo fights and other sports, particular during the Rongali Bihu festival in the Ahom capital of Rangpur. It is 3 kms away from the centre of the Sivasagar Town.

(iv) indigenous native to a land.- স্বদেশীয় – আদিবাসী 

Ans. Indigenous peoples are those groups especially protected in international or national legislation as having a set of specific rights based on their historical ties to a particular territory, and their cultural or historical distinctiveness from other populations. The legislation is based on the conclusion that certain indigenous people are vulnerable to exploitation, marginalization and oppression by nation states formed from colonizing populations or by politically dominants, different ethnic groups.

II. Find out some places of Assam which need to be conserved well. – আসামের যে যে জায়গাগুলি সংরক্ষণের প্রয়োজন সেগুলি খুঁজে বার করো।

Ans. In my opinion Charaideo Madams is the place which need to be conserved well. It was the first capital of Ahom dynasty founded by Siu-Ka-Pha, situated 28 kms east of Sivasagar. Architecturally it comprises a massive underground vault with one or more chambers having domical superstructure and covered by a heap of earthen mound and externally it appears a hemispherical mound. At the top of the mound a small open pavilion chow-chali is provided. An octagonal dwarf wall encloses whole maidam. The Ahoms preferred to place the departed family members at Charaideo at where the first king Siu-Ka-Pha was led to rest. That inform the historical chronicles Wives, attendants, pet animals and huge quantity of valuables were buried with the kings departed. Here we can find Similarities between pyramids of Egypt and Madams of Charaideo.

III. Have a speech competition in your class on the temples of Assam.- আসামের মন্দিরগুলি সম্বন্ধে তোমার শ্রেণীকক্ষে একটি আলাপ আলোচনামূলক প্রতিযোগিতার ব্যবস্থা করো।

Ans. Here is some information about the temples of Assam.

Assam has a rich cultural and historical tradition which displays in its temples. The state is located in the South-eastern part of Himalayas. Favorite Gods and Goddesses in Assam temples include the Goddess Durga, Lord Shiva, Lord Krishna and Lord Narayana. The temples of Assam almost the oldest in architecture with spuming beauty in entire north-cast India. Famous temples of Assam are Asvakranta IN temple, Devi dol Temple, Shiva Dol Temple, Navagraha Temple, Bageswari Temple, Kamakhya Temple, Tamreswari Temple, Surya Pahar Temple, Ugra Tara Temple, Umananda Temple.

IV. Discuss the traditional food of Assam. – আসামের গতানুগতিক খাদ্য।

Ans. The traditional food of Assam is characterised by very little use of spices, little cooking over fire. Fish is widely used and birds like duck, squab etc. are very popular, which are often paired with a main vegetable. Preparations are rarely elaborate the practice of Bhuna. the gentle frying of spices before the addition of the main ingredients so common in indian cooking, Is absent in the cuisine of Assam. A traditional meal in Assam begins with a khar, a class of dishes named after the main ingredient, and ends with a tonga. a sour dish.

Writing – লেখার অভ্যাস:

I. Prepare a project on. – নীচে দেওয়া বিষয়গুলির উপর একটি প্রকল্প তৈরি করো।

1. Kaziranga National Park – কাজিরাঙা জাতীয় উদ্যান:

Ans. Kaziranga National Park is a national Park in the Golaghat and Nagaon districts of the state Assam, India. A World Heritage Site. the park hosts two-thirds öf the worlds great one-horned rhinoceroses. According to the latest census held in March 2015, the current rhino population in the park is 2401. Kaziranga boasts the highest density of tigers among protected areas in the world and was declared a Tiger Reserve in 2006. The park is home to a large populations of elephants wild water buffalo and swamp deer. Kaziranga has achieved notable success in wild life conservation. Kaziranga has vast expanse of tall elephant grass and maryland.

2. The historical sites of Sivasagar. – শিবসাগর শহরের ঐতিহাসিক স্থান।

Ans. Sivasagar iIS a town in Upper Assam, about 360 Kilometres north-east of Guwahati. It is the district headquarters of the Sivasagar district. Sivasagar, formerly known as Rangpur, was the capital of the Ahom kingdom from 1699 to 1788. The Ahoms ruled Assam for six centuries, until their kingdom fell to the Burmese in 1819 and their ruling class was all but wiped out.

The province was liberated by the British in 1825. This town’s main feature is the water body from which it takes its name. This- is a 257 acre tank, also known as the Borpukhuri. Which is a higher elevation than the rest of the town with three temples on its bankS. Of these temples, the most prominent is the Shiva Dol. The other temples are the Vishnu Dol and Devi Dol. The temples were built by Queen Ambika in 1734.

II. Find out about these National Parks of Assam. – আসামের জাতীয় উদ্যানগুলি সম্পর্কে দু – চার কথা লেখো।

1. Manas National Park – মানস জাতীয় উদ্যান:

Ans. Manas National Park at the base of foothills of the Bhutan-Himalayas in the state of Assam, with unique bio-diver-City and landscape is one of the first reserves included in the network Of tiger reserve under project tiger in 1973. In 1985 the Manas wild life Sanctuary was inscribed as World Heritage Site. It has an area of 2837 km from Sankosh river in the west to Dhansiri river in the east.

About the half of the park is covered by Grassland of Terai and Bhabar type. The commonly seen trees are the Simul, Oxi, Sisoo, Khaie, Gamari etc. The Bio diversity is very reach here. The last population of the Pygmy Hag surVive in the wilds of Manas and nowwhere in the world.

2. Dibru-Saikhowa National Park – ডিব্রু সাইখোয়া জাতীয় উদ্যান:

Ans. Dibru-Saikhowa National Park Is located about 12 kms north from Tinsukia town of Assam covering an area of 650 sq. km. The park bounded by the Brahmaputra and Lohit rivers in the north and Dibru river on the south. Total 36 species of mammals have so far been recorded from the Dibru-Saikhowa includes Royal Bengal Tiger, Leopard, clouded Leopard, Junglee cat, Sloth Bear, Chinese Pangolin, Assamese Macaque, capped Langur. Hollock Gibbon, Elephant, Barking Deer, Water Buffalo, Wild Boar etc.

3. Nameri National Park – নামেরী জাতীয় উদ্যান:

Ans. Nameri National Park is located in the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas in the Sonitpur District of Assam, about 40 kms from Tezpur. The Pakhui Sanctuary of Arunachal Pradesh adjoins the park and they together constitute an area of 1000 km². Nameri is a birder’s paradise with over 300 species of birds. There is a good prey base in the form of Sandbar. Barking Deer, Hog Deer, Wild Boar and Gaur. Nameri is only protected area in the north Bank of the Brahmaputra in the Civil District of Sonitpur.

4. Orang National Park. – ওরাং জাতীয় উদ্যান:

Ans. Orang National Park is also known as the mini Kaziranga National Park, since the two parks have a similar landscape made up ot marshes, streams and grass lands and are inhabited by the Great Indian One-Horned Rhinoceros. The park is 140 kms away from Guwahati and covering an area of 78.81 km² located north bank of the Brahmaputra river. It was established as a wild life sanctuary in 1985, but in 1992 the park was renamed as Rajiv Gandhi Wild Life sanctuary. Finally the sanctuary was declared as National Park in 1999.

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